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Alex LukemanAnmeldelser

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Mr Lukeman brings various strands from previous novels in the series together in this one. AEON, definitely not quite dead and buried as we thought, still trying to wreak havoc and destroy the world in a final act of vengeance; Valentina, Serena's Russian half sister, being deployed to the same places for more or less the same reasons as The Project Team, and Lamont sticking with Nick and Co following his attempt at retirement.
The Deception in the title is very apt, as the use of misinformation leads towards global misunderstandings. A very fast paced and readable novel with lots of twists and international action. Quite a few twists and turns are involved, as is a very tense finish.
Whatever will he come up with next for his intrepid group?
Alan1946 | 1 anden anmeldelse | Oct 1, 2017 |
Whilst this episode in the annals of The Project does not follow as a result of the previous book, there are elements carrying over. One of the team has left primarily for fitness reasons, although age also has a little to do with it. So a new member has to be inducted into the group, one Diego Rodriguez, who, after initial problems, including trying to take on Selina in hand to hand combat, appears to fit in pretty well.
The Project becomes involved with following up an explosion destroying a train in France, a rogue former MI6 agent, and a Lebanese businessman intent on finding what he believes to be the mystical ring of King Solomon.
Most of the action takes place in the Middle East, but a car crash in Washington, almost killing two people important to The Project, gives the team an additional incentive to track down hidden treasure as well as the power hungry businessman.
There is action a plenty, an intriguing denouement, and, finally, yet another bomb to spur me on to reading the next episode in the series.
Alan1946 | 2 andre anmeldelser | Sep 27, 2017 |
Alex Lukeman has written another exhilarating episode in this series, but l have to admit to a sense of deja vu because my previous novel, by Scott Mariano, dealt with exactly the same them, even down to it all commencing with a raid on bio labs in North Korea. The second of these, Mr Lukeman's story, however, was successful whereas the Mariano book went down a different route, the only other distinct connection being that they both deal with the black rose, or bubonic plague.
It is a truly frightening scenario that is dealt with here, in that you have a group of people perfectly prepared to unleash a devastating plague on the world to achieve their own goals. The Project team, lead by Nick Carter, speed round the globe - Brazil, France, India and Switzerland to name only a few destinations. The fact that they reach these places with such ease and in such short times, with the appropriate equipment being available to them, should not detract from the story - just lay back and enjoy it.
We do learn more about some of the characters, particularly Nick and Selena, with there being quite a shock for Selina revealed through files that are acquired. Ronnie and Lamont play their parts, but as Elizabeth Harker, their project manager, thinks towards the end of the book, they are all getting older. Perhaps there may be a change of personnel in the future!
Alan1946 | 1 anden anmeldelse | Sep 25, 2017 |
Good solid read with a plot that goes some where. There's a lot of action and a lot of the impossible. Some huge leaps in logic and conclusion, but if you can set aside your suspension of disbelief, it's a good way to get lost in a book. Think Indian Jones with mixed of spies.
tabicham | 1 anden anmeldelse | Jul 22, 2017 |
Liked this one a great deal better than the first one, while there's still some of the same jumps in logic there is an impressive detail of what would happen if one country tried to take out another in the Middle East. plot lines smooth, character development is getting stronger.
tabicham | 1 anden anmeldelse | Jul 22, 2017 |
A much more plausible plot then the previous novel. There is nothing more dangerous than a powerful intelligence agent fuelled by the loss of his wife and child in a bombing, and also living on borrowed time and wanting his revenge before he dies. Add to this the fact that he is easily manipulated by very strong forces looking to wreak havoc in the Far East, and you have a powerful reason for The Project Team to become involved in retrieving the situation.
Nick and Selena are still puzzling over their relationship, but they still show just how much they rely on each other and, in this episode, Lamont Cameron, now recovered from serious illness, as well as a former Huey helicopter pilot with Vietnam experience. Stephanie, techno wizard, is the one who has tracked down a character they call Cobra, and it is their pursuit of him that forms the body of the story, although there is a side issue relating to lost Moghul treasure which includes The Eye of Shiva that forms the title of the book.
Plenty of action as usual, so the plot hurtles across the globe as the threat of nuclear war needs to be addressed. Well done, Mr Lukeman, on maintaining the standard.
Alan1946 | 1 anden anmeldelse | Jul 13, 2017 |
Alex Lukeman has come up with another very difficult to put down novel regarding his Project Group, notably Elizabeth Harker, Nick Carter and Selena Connor. The jacket description is pretty accurate – the only quibble I would have is that the plot is just a shade implausible. Having said that I do understand how certain people have managed to take over their country’s way of governance, but deem this to be highly unlikely in the USA because of its constitution and the checks and balances that are in place – as their latest President is now finding out!

It does, however, make for a very readable book, that I whisked through in a very short space of time. Unfortunately because of computer problems, I have not been able to write a review until now.

Carter and Connor are involved in a maelstrom of events, never really sure who they can trust and whether their confidence in each other is at times misplaced. The development of their characters and the increased understanding of their backgrounds do lead to making them much more human than some of their actions might appear to be, and certainly add to the complexity of the plot line.

Highly recommended if you like novels full of action with heroes who come across as being worthy of your interest.
Alan1946 | 1 anden anmeldelse | Jun 26, 2017 |
Another fast-paced, breathe if you can novel from this quite prolific author. The characters are developing with each novel – Nick is even being helped by a psychologist in his efforts to come to terms with dreams involving his part in the death of a young boy before the series began. All the usual players in the series are there, although one of them does actually get seriously injured in this episode, so seriously that they can take no further part in the incredible amount of action that occurs throughout the book.
Although it is certain quatrains of the Nostradamus Prophecies that set the team off on their adventures, those quatrains and the Ark of the Covenant are the substance of the plot, along with a megalomaniac who wants to set the countries of the Middle East against each other and reap the financial benefits from that.
The action involves the Middle East, France, England and the USA, as well as having an Israeli involvement. This is the only aspect that perplexes me as the rate of world travel has to be called into question at times. The author never lets this get in the way of a good story, but one example of this is after some excitement in the leafy countryside of England, the team is very quickly (say twenty-four hours) back in Washington, but in the same time a yacht has managed to convey its cargo from England to an island just off the coast of Maine!
Must have been able to go incredibly fast to achieve that!
Never mind, however, the story can stand it – just sit back and enjoy this rollicking novel. Roll on the next one!
Alan1946 | 1 anden anmeldelse | Jun 5, 2017 |
Another good book in this series, and very apt at the moment as it focused on North Korea and their drive to get hold of a nuclear bomb. As usual the Project came to the rescue and was another fun read, even given the serious nature of the subject. Some important developments in this book both personally and professionally as one person joined the team and another left. If you haven't tried this series I would strongly encourage you to.
Andrew-theQM | May 14, 2017 |
This was a cracking read, Cold War in the 21st Century! There has been a coup in Russia and they are planning a great deception to rise to their former glories. This book grew on me more as the story developed. I would however suggest ensuring you read these books in order as one sub-plot in this book would have provided a big spoiler to the previous book. I do love how these books are put together and great to see a large part of the story take place in lesser known countries , Macedonia and Albania. Do give this series a try, at the last time of checking book 1 is still free on Amazon.
Andrew-theQM | 1 anden anmeldelse | Feb 26, 2017 |
Yet another very enjoyable read in this little know but incredibly consistent Series. I have now read all the first 10 and have enjoyed each and everyone in it's own way, with all being rated between 4 and 4.5 stars. This one revolves around the discovery that could lead to the location of King Solomon's body will the Americans, Israelis and a ruthless Lebanese all in the hunt. Do give this series a try if you enjoy a mixture of espionage, intrigue, history and action.
Andrew-theQM | 2 andre anmeldelser | Feb 20, 2017 |
#9 in the Project Series
This is a very enjoyable series and I felt this was one of the best books so far, focusing around a Plague having been stolen from North Korea and an attempt to use it on targeted countries. Some good intrigue and counter intrigue, and also took Selena's story forward. Pleased to see things improved between Selena and Nick. Things are about to change for the Group! Certainly can recommend this series, especially if you enjoy authors such as Vince Flynn, Daniel Silva, Brad Thor etc...½
Andrew-theQM | 1 anden anmeldelse | Feb 19, 2017 |
I have not read other books in this series, and that did confuse me for a bit at first, but not for too long. The characters drew me into the story.

I was drawn to the book by the title and its Biblical reference. I appreciated the historical parts though I'm not well read enough to know if most of it is truth or just the author's imagination.

Solomon was a Biblical king whose burial place is apparently unknown. A professor has an idea to use a newer scanning method to try to read a scroll that is so damaged, it can't be unrolled to read. The scan reveals some new information that is of interest to several different countries.

Nick Carter's team is looking to replace a member they lost. They get pulled into the search for Solomon's burial place and treasure.
JenniferRobb | 2 andre anmeldelser | Dec 26, 2016 |
The books in this delightful little series just seem to get better and better. If you are interested in covert operations this little known series is just the series you need to take on board. They are quite quick reads but I do enjoy the group of characters that are pulled together, along with the intrigue within the American Government, in many ways the plot within this one was the biggest one that Alex Lukeman has taken on so far. In short this could have led to a new World Order. If you haven't discovered this series yet I would strongly encourage you to give them a try if you are interested in this style of books. I can't wait to continue my journey in Project land.½
Andrew-theQM | 1 anden anmeldelse | Nov 14, 2016 |
I really enjoy this little known series, many of which I have been able to download free. Good espionage books with the main group of characters from the Project. A good group of characters have been brought tofpgether that often interact with Russian or Israeli counterparts. Quite often there is a good backdrop to each book, in this case it is the lost predictions of Nostradamus so there was also a bit of code breaking in this. Also you have the relationship between two of the main protagonists which is a key part of the books and which adds to the reading experience. I will most definitely be continuing with the series.½
Andrew-theQM | 1 anden anmeldelse | Nov 6, 2016 |
This was another very enjoyable read within the Project series. These books move along at pace, with plenty of action. This one revolved around a Groups attempt to assassinate the American President and develop a weapon, based on the work of Nicola Tesla, which would allow them to take on all comers across the World. The relationship between Nick and Selena also has a prominent place in the book, with events that take place in the book threatening the future of this relationship.
This series is well worth a read.
Andrew-theQM | 2 andre anmeldelser | Oct 26, 2016 |
As usual I thoroughly enjoyed this next episode in The Project Series. All the usual characters are still there, Nick Carter with his angst about almost everything, Elizabeth Harker, pulling all the strings (some of them quite remarkable in terms of what she can acquire and where in very short order), Selena, developing her skills and becoming more bold, but still maintaining some doubts about her abilities and also her colleagues. The pace is almost lightning fast, nearly bewildering at times, but always entertaining and holding my attention. Roll on the next one.
Alan1946 | 2 andre anmeldelser | Jun 25, 2016 |
I have to admit that I was a bit confused at the start of the book because there appeared to be a number of disparate things going on. However, once these came together coherently, I found this book to be as enjoyable as its predecessors, and finished it quite quickly despite all my commitments around this Easter period.

The story centres on a group called AEON and their desire for world domination, and involves the preparation of a crop blight that would decimate plant growth and result in mass starvation before AEON, or its representatives, would come forward with an already prepared antidote.

The hunt for answers leads Nick Carter and Selena Connor to Greece, Bulgaria and the United States. In a series of life and death confrontations they encounter unlikely allies, an ancient legacy of bio-warfare and a cover up with ominous implications for freedom. They are assisted by their usual colleagues, and led by Elizabeth Harker, recovering from a serious illness, but still under treatment.

The Project is supposed to be extremely covert, but it is amazing how many people are betting to know about it, so their future operations will become more difficult, and although they do win through on this occasion, AEON is still out there and will no doubt feature in future novels.

We get to know more about the main characters in the series, and they remain true character traits developed in the previous novels. Lucas Monroe, introduced in Book 3 of the series, features again, and plays quite a significant part in the development of the storyline particularly towards the end.

It is a very good read, had me gripped towards the end, and has me looking forward to the next in the series.
Alan1946 | 1 anden anmeldelse | Jun 25, 2016 |
The Lance by Alex Lukeman.
Second book in The Project Series.
A hidden World War II German bunker in the Antarctic, a lance purportedly used on Jesus’ side whilst he hung on the cross, a German Council trying to obtain the lance to fulfil the planning of Heinrich Himmler before the end of the 2nd World War, and members of The Project Group cho stumble across these plans and struggle to avert the start of the new Reich.
It all sounds a little familiar in that there are many books with similar themes, but Lukeman’s creation is very fast-paced with mainly very credible characters, none of whom appear to be superhuman, although they are blessed with plenty of skills.
The heroes of the story are Nick Carter and Selena Connor, ably assisted by a former SEAL Ronnie Peete. Carter too is a former SEAL, whilst Selena is highly accomplished in Ancient languages, something that does come in remarkably handy at times. They are members of the highly secretive Project Group, led by Elizabeth Harker, specialising in work authorised by the President, but bypassing the more well known agencies.
I was a little surprised at how engrossed I became in the story, devouring it at quite a pace, and then downloading the next in the series. Well worth a look.
4 stars
Alan1946 | 1 anden anmeldelse | Jun 25, 2016 |
Continues the development of the project series. Fast paced and enjoyable.
Alan1946 | 1 anden anmeldelse | Jun 25, 2016 |
This is the only book in the series I have read.
The writing is so good that I don't need to read the previous books or any future books to just enjoy this book. The back story is explained well enough, and is simple enough to pick up quickly without feeling like it's being explained all over again.

I'll have to keep my eyes out and add this author to my list of possible books/series to purchase in the future.
daleala | 2 andre anmeldelser | Feb 18, 2016 |
Sometimes you need a good thriller to cleanse your reading palette. Although this book is the the eighth in the series, there is no need to read the previous seven first. This book can easily be read as a stand alone but it certainly whet the appetite to know that there were more books out there with these characters.

They are all part of a group called The Project. Some terrorists have found and been using ancient gold coins to fund their operations and buy weapons. The story starts out with immediate action – a terrorist cell seizes workers in the U.S. Embassy in Cebu in the Philippines. It turns out to be a red herring operation, designed to create a world wide conflict.

The real conflict involves both personal and political scores between India and Pakistan, notably, high officials within the Indian military who have scores to settle. Central to this, is
ancient treasure. This was inadvertently discovered buried on the Khyber Pass and itself, was the subject of an ancient feud centered on the area around Kashmir.

This was a a quick read at a cracking pace that keeps the interest. It doesn't let up on the gas and there is no lull in the action. It 's also a great road map as to how ancient conflicts are able to sustain themselves for centuries.

For those looking for a reliable series in the thriller genre, any of the books with the stories and characters involved in The Project, will be sure to entertain. It appears that each will be able to stand alone so reading them out of order won't hinder your enjoyment.

Take a break from whatever your normal genre is and treat yourself to some action. You will come away reinvigorated and ready to tackle the next big novel on your list.
ozzieslim | 1 anden anmeldelse | Jan 20, 2016 |
As you can tell from my reading habits, I have a pretty high tolerance for bad writing in certain genres. But this one -- this is just unforgivable. It's horribly written, the plot is just devastatingly stupid, and by the end I kind of wanted ALL the characters to die in a fire. And dying in a fire would be easy, as they were all paper-thin.

Save yourself. Read the back of a cereal box. The instructions on a pack of shoelaces. The logo on a pencil, over and over. Anything is better than this.
erebor | 1 anden anmeldelse | Jan 9, 2016 |
You know, once I got into the book a LONG ways, it finally became interesting. However, I found the first half rife with obligatory sex scenes, detailed discussion of inconsequential firearms and things that just didn't add to the story at all. Also, the archaeological and historical parts weren't discussed enough for me. I was extremely disappointed. Once I got past the concept that this really wasn't much along the lines of historical fiction, I was okay with the last half of the book. To be honest, I'm surprised I lasted that long. More than once, I considered tossing it, but kept thinking if I read a little farther, it would pick up the historical pace. I was wrong and just finally gave up that notion.

It was fair for a shoot-'em-up. Not much for a thinker.
mreed61 | 1 anden anmeldelse | Aug 10, 2014 |
Fast moving series. Entertaining quick read.
Fidget78 | 1 anden anmeldelse | Jan 5, 2014 |
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