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Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742–1799)

Forfatter af The Waste Books

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Image credit: Portrait by Johann Ludwig Strecker (1744), print by J.C. Krueger


Værker af Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

The Waste Books (1984) 440 eksemplarer
Aphorisms (1967) 188 eksemplarer
Schriften und Briefe, 6 Bände (1983) 41 eksemplarer
Aphorismen : eine Auswahl [Reclam] (1963) 31 eksemplarer
Lichtenberg: aphorisms & letters (1969) 19 eksemplarer
James Cook, der Entdecker (1980) — Forfatter — 18 eksemplarer
Werke in einem Band (1978) — Forfatter — 16 eksemplarer
Aphorismen, Essays, Briefe (1970) 11 eksemplarer
Aus den Sudelbüchern (2008) 10 eksemplarer
Aphorismen, Schriften, Briefe (1974) 9 eksemplarer
Pensees (1999) 9 eksemplarer
Sudelbücher (2005) 7 eksemplarer
Le miroir de l'âme (2012) 7 eksemplarer
Gedankenbücher 6 eksemplarer
Pfennigs-Wahrheiten. Ein Brevier. (1992) 5 eksemplarer
Aphorismen und andere Sudeleien (2003) 5 eksemplarer
Lichtenberg (1998) 5 eksemplarer
Die Aphorismen-Bher (2005) 5 eksemplarer
Witz und Weisheit : Aphorismen (1950) 4 eksemplarer
Algunos aforismos (1999) 4 eksemplarer
Gedachten (1958) 4 eksemplarer
Quaderns de notes (2012) 3 eksemplarer
Breviario de aforismos (2000) 3 eksemplarer
Večery při svíčce 3 eksemplarer
Lichtenberg in seiner Stube (1992) 3 eksemplarer
Osservazioni e massime (2009) 2 eksemplarer
Homo sapiens : Aphorismen (1961) 2 eksemplarer
In meinem Kopf des Nachts (1997) 2 eksemplarer
Reflections 1 eksemplar
Lichtenberg zum Vergnügen (2020) 1 eksemplar
Unterhaltsame Aufsätze (2011) 1 eksemplar
Zibaldone segreto 1 eksemplar
Kommentar zu Band I und II (1994) 1 eksemplar
Schriften und Briefe IV (1994) 1 eksemplar
Schriften und Briefe III (1994) 1 eksemplar
Aforizmalar 1 eksemplar
Lichtenberg für Zeitgenossen (2003) 1 eksemplar
Sudelbücher I 1 eksemplar
Vorlesungen zur Naturlehre (2005) 1 eksemplar
50 aphorismes de Lichtenberg (1981) 1 eksemplar
Cuadernos I (2015) 1 eksemplar

Associated Works

George Christoph Lichtenberg. (1671) — Associated Name — 6 eksemplarer

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More than 1,000 aphorisms from the notebooks of George Lichtenberg, a German mathematician and physicist. His writings have been influential with authors like Goethe and Nietzsche and continue to inform thinkers to this day.
jwhenderson | 2 andre anmeldelser | Jun 13, 2022 |
I finished _The Waste Books_ by Lichtenberg. I really like this book. It’s a collection of paragraphs about the world, impressions of someone who sees themselves as part of the Enlightenment, but who feels society bears down on him and others in a way that’s repressive and against the better angels of our nature. His witty questions and answers are like a sieve for approaching the most important questions we face as humans. He prefigures a lot of more modern thought, where we can see traces of things to come, like embodied cognition and pragmatism. But it’s not only philosophical; there are jokes, insults, exasperated sighs, small cries of pain. And for anyone interested in writing, the book is a goldmine of the vicissitudes of that profession: too many books exist, written by people for whom the book is more of a means of personal extension, part of the business of being someone in society, rather than the accumulated evidence of work towards an end honestly and genuinely approached. Most of what he says about his present of the eighteenth century still applies to our present. It’s also a book that can be read in tiny little chunks, like a bathroom reader. I read a little bit of it every morning after waking up. It was like reading a witty letter from a friend trying to bolster me for the day.… (mere)
jtth | 9 andre anmeldelser | Aug 17, 2021 |
> Babelio : https://www.babelio.com/livres/Lichtenberg-Le-miroir-de-lame/790727

> Lire ce livre, cet auteur, c'est faire l'expérience de sautes d'humeur qui font une sorte d'humour que rien n'oblige à dire noir.
Danieljean (Babelio)
Joop-le-philosophe | Feb 13, 2021 |


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