Alexander Johnston (skeln forfatterne fra hinanden)

"Alexander Johnston" er sammensat af mindst 5 forskellige forfattere, opdelt efter deres værker.

Om forfatteren

Includes the name: Johnston Alexander

Omfatter også: Alexander Johnson (4)

Author Division

Alexander Johnston (5)

The Angel Doll [Videorecording] — Director & Screenplay — 18 eksemplarer

Almen Viden

Oplysning om flertydighed
1) Johnston, Alexander (1849-1889), American historian.
2) Johnston, Alexander (b. 1879), author of Ten--and out!
3) Johnston, Alexander, Sir (1905-1994), British civil servant and author of Presbyterians, Awake.
4) Johnson, Alexander (Alexander McIntyre; 1946- ), South African political scientist at the University of Natal.
5) Johnston, Alexander (Alexander Jennette; 1959-2000), American film writer and director.