Christopher Hill (skeln forfatterne fra hinanden)

"Christopher Hill" er sammensat af mindst 13 forskellige forfattere, opdelt efter deres værker.

Om forfatteren

Author Division

Christopher Hill (1)

Paradise Lost [Norton Critical Edition] (1667) — Bidragyder, nogle udgaver2,213 eksemplarer
The Century of Revolution, 1603-1714 (1961) 636 eksemplarer
Lenin and the Russian revolution (1947) 169 eksemplarer
The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism (1953) — Bidragyder — 162 eksemplarer
Milton and the English Revolution (1977) 140 eksemplarer
Crisis in Europe 1560-1660 (1965) — Introduktion, nogle udgaver; Introduktion — 98 eksemplarer
The Law of Freedom and Other Writings (1973) — Redaktør — 50 eksemplarer
Freedom in arms : a selection of Leveller writings (1975) — Forord — 36 eksemplarer
Three British Revolutions: 1641, 1688, 1776 (1980) — Bidragyder — 28 eksemplarer
The Origins Of Anglo-American Radicalism (1984) — Bidragyder — 17 eksemplarer
The world of the Muggletonians (1983) 13 eksemplarer
Oliver Cromwell, 1658-1958 (1967) 9 eksemplarer
Lenin / Stalin 1 eksemplar
History and the present (1989) 1 eksemplar
Welsh history review, vol. 2, no. 2, 1964 (1964) — Reviewer — 1 eksemplar
Welsh history review, vol. 3, no. 4, December 1967 (1967) — Bidragyder — 1 eksemplar

Christopher Hill (6)

Tom Turtle (1974) 14 eksemplarer

Christopher Hill (9)

Scorpion (1974) 6 eksemplarer
Jackdaw (1976) 2 eksemplarer

Christopher Hill (15)

Belfast (1994) 8 eksemplarer

Almen Viden

Oplysning om flertydighed
1. Hill, Christopher, 1912-2003, author of The world turned upsiade down ; full name John Edward Christopher Hill (LC 50035155)

2. Hill, Christopher Julius Starforth, author of Maritime law.

3. Hill, Christopher, wrote Virtual Morality (LC undifferentiated 91064457)

4. Hill, Christopher, d 1945- wrote Anglicans and Roman Catholics (LC 96071627)

5. Hill, Christopher, 1948- wrote The Changing Politics of Foreign Policy (LC 82215070)

6. Hill, Christopher, 1950- wrote Tom Turtle (LC 2012002732)

7. Hill, CHristopher, 1953- wrote Holidays and Holy Nights (LC 003098869)

8. Hill, Christopher, 1978- wrote The role of elites in the Spanish transition to democracy (LC 2007068099)

9. Hill, Christopher, 1928- wrote Jackdaw (LC 50034860)

10. wrote Flowers in the Cities.

11. Williams, Marcia, editor of Soul survivor (LC 00015852)

15. Hill, Christopher, photographer (LC undifferentiated 91064457)

16. Hill, Christopher, Australian art historian (LC undifferentiated 91064457)

17. Hill, Christopher William, author of Playwriting (LC 2007016976)
18. Christopher Hill - Journey Round the Arctic Circle