Mark Francis (skeln forfatterne fra hinanden)

"Mark Francis" er sammensat af mindst 6 forskellige forfattere, opdelt efter deres værker.

Om forfatteren

Includes the name: Mark Francis.

Author Division

Mark Francis (1)

The Warhol Look: Glamour, Style, Fashion (1997) — Redaktør — 61 eksemplarer
Pop (1980) 56 eksemplarer
Les Annees Pop (2001) 32 eksemplarer
Andy Warhol: Drawings 1942-1987 (1998) 21 eksemplarer
Pop art is (2007) 10 eksemplarer
Fig 1 - 50 Projects in 50 Weeks (2001) 9 eksemplarer
Avedon/Warhol (2016) 8 eksemplarer
Mark Francis (2008) 3 eksemplarer
The Warhol Drawings 2 eksemplarer

Mark Francis (ukendt)

Almen Viden

Oplysning om flertydighed
#1 Francis, Mark, 1952- author of books on Andy Warhol; artist; full name Mark Michael Peregrine Francis (LC 98017181)

#2 Francis, Mark (Mark M.) author of Mil spec radio gear (LC 2006045583)

#3 Francis, Mark, 1950- author of Village homes : a community by design (LC 8415163)

#4 Francis, Mark, 1944- author of History of English political thought in the nineteenth century (LC 2002049927)

#5 Francis, Mark, author of No easy task, a novel.