Michael Fox (skeln forfatterne fra hinanden)

"Michael Fox" er sammensat af mindst 12 forskellige forfattere, opdelt efter deres værker.

Om forfatteren

Omfatter også følgende navne: Michael Fox, Dr. Michael Fox, Ph. D. Michael Fox

Author Division

Michael Fox (8)

Works have been aliased into Michael Allen Fox.

Michael Fox (9)

Tomorrowchild (2001) 3 eksemplarer

Almen Viden

Oplysning om flertydighed
#2 Fox, Michael W., 1937- The new Eden
#3 Fox, Michael, 1967 Aug. 22- Interactive architecture
#5 Michael Fox, PHD. wrote "The emotional Rape Syndrome"
#6 Michael D. Fox - The Green Square
#8 Michael Fox - Schopenhauer
#9 Michael Fox - TomorrowChild
#10 Fox, Michael 1967- Mappae Mundi
#11 Fox, Michael John, 1956- Dynamics and trajectories
#12 Fox, Michael 1955- Thirst
#13 Michael Fox - Songlines
#14 Michael Fox - Circumferential Catastrophic Burst Failures of Pressurized Cylinders
#15 Michael Fox, journalist - Beyond Elections