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Værker af Moshe Feldenkrais

Master Moves (1984) 20 eksemplarer
Higher Judo: Groundwork (1952) 20 eksemplarer
La puissance du moi (1990) 4 eksemplarer

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Hadaka-Jime: Practical Unarmed Combat is a unique training program that is based on one core technique. Dr. Feldenkrais developed the program as emergency training for soldiers in World War II. Through ten one-hour lessons, soldiers learned to defend themselves against an armed opponent in the most rapid and effective way possible. The program is based on one Judo technique. Feldenkrais emphasized concepts of the learning process throughout the book. He encouraged the reader to maintain a relaxed attitude, to start with slow and precise movements as he explained the timing, and to master the movements by repetition. The result would be a spontaneous movement which was correct and precise. He claimed that a fighter must first acquire the ability and then put it to practical use. Thus, the first three lessons teach the core technique, Hadaka-Jime. The remaining lessons implement the technique in a variety of situations against armed or unarmed attacks from different directions all of which culminate in the use of the core technique. This approach deepens the learning so that the fighter can effectively perform the core technique with many alternatives to survive the situation.

Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais was a remarkable man; teacher, soldier, researcher, judoka, visionary, martial artist, physicist, and pioneer. He was a founder of the European Judo Union, and respected by Gunji Koizumi, Mikinosuke Kawaishi, and Jigoro Kano. I therefore consider it an honour and a privilege to have been asked to write an endorsement to the new edition of his important text. I met Moti Nativ when he visited the Bowen History of Judo Archive at University of Bath to continue his research into the life and work of Moshe Feldenkrais. I was immediately struck by his passion and commitment, and his depth of understanding into the relationship of mind and body as applied to Budo. For me this book speaks on three levels. It is a treatise of an effective course of unarmed combat which has withstood the test of time. It is also an important document of social and cultural history when considered in the context that it was written. Thirdly it provides a level of insight for the advanced follower of the Feldenkrais Method® into the early thought processes of the founder. Moti Nativ and Genesis II Publishing are to be commended for reminding us about the relevance of this text, and sharing with us the thoughts of a remarkable man. --Dr. Mike Callan, President, The International Association of Judo Researchers, International Judo Federation Sixth Dan

This impactful book reveals a pioneer who is equal parts warrior and educator, and offers a snapshot of a method in the midst of its making. If you follow the trajectory of training outlined in this book, you ll find the very same strategies and techniques that become the basis of Dr. Feldenkrais yet-to-be-announced method. By teaching only one martial arts technique, Feldenkrais creates a lesson-like experiment, rich in the interplay of theme and variation. The training reveals the big picture as it clarifies the details and, just as the student begins to put it all together, Moshe changes the action s orientation to space. And so on! Thank you, Moti, for making this book available once again. The beautiful, user-friendly design is a fitting tribute to its historical importance. --Larry Goldfarb, Feldenkrais® Trainer

This is a small book with big ideas. Utilizing his deep understanding and mastery of Judo, Moshe Feldenkrais created a course in practical unarmed self defense for the British during WWII. However, it was in how he addressed his task that we see the mind of a genius at work. Feldenkrais merged age old, Oriental self-defense techniques with the explanatory power of science, combined with his own unique brand of pedagogy to create a novel self defense strategy that is easy to learn and use. Based on the slow and thorough learning of one technique and its applications, the ten lessons artfully disarm the fears and apprehensions of those being trained while giving them the expertise necessary to succeed in combat. For the discerning reader a central idea will become evident: that if one first trains the act to be accomplished from its ending it allows for many beginnings. Once an act, here a particular stranglehold, is learned in its simplest form and becomes second nature and can be performed unselfconsciously, then that simple unitary act can be made either more complex or made to fit more complex situations. The approach taken in this book is consonant with the basis of all Feldenkrais approach to learning. It will be of unquestioned value to both martial artists and Feldenkrais practitioners. Moti Nativ is to be commended not only for bringing this book out of retirement but also for his introduction and commentaries which convey the observations of a true teacher of the martial arts and a Feldenkrais Practitioner. --Dennis Leri, Feldenkrais Trainer and Martial Artist

About the Author
Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc., a physicist, served as a scientific officer in the British Admiralty in World War II. During his time in the British Army he taught Judo to the officers and soldiers, which led to the publication of Practical Unarmed Combat. Dr. Feldenkrais authored four more books on martial arts, Ju-Jitsu and Self Defense (1931), ABC du Judo (1938), Judo: The Art of Defense and Attack (1941), and Higher Judo (1952). After meeting Jigoro Kano, he was active in promoting Judo in France and in founding the European Judo Union. In 1950 Feldenkrais moved to Israel where he was given a position in the Science Department of the Israeli Defense Forces. He left in 1953 to focus on the development of what is known today as the Feldenkrais Method.® He authored numerous books on his method including, Body and Mature Behavior, Awareness Through Movement, and The Potent Self. ------------ Moti (MORDEHAI) Nativ Born in Israel in 1950, Moti Nativ started formal martial arts training in 1966 on the wrestling team of the Horace Mann High School in Gary, Indiana where he lived for two years with his uncle. Today, Moti is Shihan (Master teacher) in the Bujinkan school for Budotaijutsu/Ninjutsu, he holds black belt in Judo, is a Certified Krav Maga instructor by the Israeli army and is head of International Bujinkan Shiki Dojo, teaching martial arts in Israel, Europe and the United States. In 1994, Moti became a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner. Moti specializes in teaching the Feldenkrais Method to martial artists in a program called Warrior s Awareness. Thus began his research into the early years of Moshe Feldenkrais and the influence of martial arts on the development of the Feldenkrais Method. From his research, he has developed a workshop called the Fighting Roots of the Feldenkrais Method, which he teaches world-wide. Moti served 23 years in the Israeli Defense Force, retiring in 1991 as a Colonel. Moti continued to serve for 17 years in the Israeli State Comptroller Office, and retired in 2008 after 10 years as the Director of the Information System division.

Moti Nativ's foreword directs readers to understand that the concepts, principles, and methodology laid out by Feldenkrais can be applied to all areas 'where learning and mastery result in achieving the maximum.' He has done a brilliant job of revivfying these technnques whcih are still relevant today. This efficient system by Feldenkrais can serve as a template for martial arts, combat training, and self-defense instructional programs. It is simple, effective, and duplicable.-Sheila Haddad, 15th Dan Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, Director, Seido Institute for the Warrior and Healing Arts

This compact work by Moshe Feldenkrais, concerns a method of Combat Judo based on ONE primary technique [Hadaka-Jime] -- or rather an older combative variant of the so-called 'Naked Choke'. This [dangerous] combative variant uses forearm leverage mostly across the foe's windpipe and additional great crushing-pressure on the foe's rear neck -- to increase total lock-pressure on the foe's windpipe-and-neck and to thereby most firmly control foe and avoid position give-away noise-and-struggleo. The Modern Judo variant using lateral neck 'nut-cracker' pressure to block brain blood flow -- is [theoretically] quicker -- likely under a minute, rather than over a minute for the combative variant of this book, to render a foe helpless. But, for grim [mortal] combat purpose, the variant used in this whole book, is one of the best techniques that can be used by combatants in many situations to counter many threats via many lead-ins to the Hadaka-Jime chosen by Moshe Feldenkrais -- who was concerned to present a most compact unified method that could be learned quickly and retained long by combatants of Great Britain in WW II. For those that prefer the Modern Judo variant of Hadaka-Jime -- well, this fine manual does show various ways to smoothly lead into a 'Naked Choke' -- of whatever type -- especially for combative [especially Commando CQC] self-defense. In any case, this manual is a Fine Gem of a work -- showing just what is possible and practical for most compact combative self-defense -- with clues and cues given for general body-and-mind co-ordination and integration -Kevin Kiersky

First off, let me state that this work is not a self-defense book for the concerned citizen, but a manual for combat, for elite troops and commandoes. Essentially this book is ten 1-hour blocks of lessons that make up this program of instruction for sentry removal (elimination/termination) methods and techniques using hand, knife (bayonet) and rifle. This program also covers some methods of defense but is predominantly all offence combative moves. Again for the majority of these moves to be used in the civilian sector would only be in-extremis situation at best. If this book interests you, I also think the following books would be of interest to this study: American Combat Judo: 186 Photographs Illustrating Jiu Jitsu Wrestling, Foot-Fighting and Police Tactics, Silencing sentries, The Ancient Art Of Strangulation, 21 Techniques Of Silent Killing, Higher Judo: Groundwork, Choke 'em Out: 65 Chokes to End Any Fight Fast and The Ultimate Guide to Reality-Based Self-Defense. This book would be of interest to Judo and Ju-Jitsu practitioners, as well as military combative trainers and Special Forces personnel for historical study, context and employment.-T.A. Dozer

This is an interesting book and an interesting approach to training. The approach makes a great deal of sense to me in focusing on a single technique, with multiple ways of getting into this technique.

That said, the technique, hadaka jime, as described in the book, is quite dangerous. The way the technique is presented in the book is not the way it's typically implemented in competition.

The technique in the book is a potentially lethal variation of the rear naked choke that is used in judo and jiu jitsu competitions. As presented in the book, the pressure across the windpipe and the upward pressure on the rear of the skull, expanding the vertebrae in the neck of the opponent, is extremely dangerous to a training partner. The leverage that can be obtained by using the shoulder on the back of the skull and against the vertebrae in the neck while simultaneously using the opposite forearm as a lever in the opponent's upper back (which is how the technique is described in the book) is substantial.

As done in competition, the technique is usually implemented as a blood choke at a very different angle than as presented in the book (going against the sides of the neck rather than the front and back, with little or no pressure against the vertebrae in the neck). If held for only a brief time, a blood choke can safely put a person to sleep (if held for a long period of time though, this variation is also quite dangerous).

Granted, the book is showing the technique in a military context, where lethal techniques make sense. But anyone practicing this technique should be very aware of how dangerous it can really be. Great caution should be exercised in practicing the technique as presented in the book.-K.W. Forsythe

I would have undoubtedly overlooked this little gem in a b&m bookstore (esp. with a attestation on the back cover by someone claiming a 15th Dan-- well, I guess maybe in some systems), but somehow it caught my attention on-line and I'm glad it did. The book basically lays out an emergency self-defense training plan (intended for use during WWII) centering around a single choke hold. Theory is that you are better off knowing how to use one technique very well, than a half baked knowledge of many techniques. Anton Geesink and Cho He-Il probably wouldn't disagree. While the modern day martial artist will want to learn a full arsenal of techniques, we all learn them one at a time, and the blueprint for learning one technique is in this little book. It is up to the reader to apply the learning technique presented here to other kicks, punches, throws, locks, holds, etc.-CRW


Praise for Hadaka-Jime
Foreword to 2009 edition, by Moti Nativ
Preface to 1942 edition, by Moshe Feldenkrais
Introduction-Concepts of the practical unarmed combat training
Warning-Safety advie
1 First lesson-The core technique, basic application
2 Second lesson-The core technique, completions
3 Third lesson-The core technique, silent attack from the rear
4 Fourth lesson-Moving behind the attacker, defense against knife stab to the neck
5 Fifth lesson-Defense against knife stab to abdomen, and against alternate attacks
6 Sixth lesson-Defense against alternate left and right attacks, understand timing
7 Seventh lesson-Overcome attack with bayonet from the rear
8 Eighth lesson-Alternative movements against bayonet attack from the rear
9 Ninth lesson-Defense against bayonet attack from the front
10 Tenth lesson-Defense against deviated attack and variations on hadaka-jime
Afterword, by Moti Nativ
About Moti Nativ
Appendix-Additional photos
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AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
Thousands have found renewed health and increased sensory awareness though the Feldenkrais method. In his best seller Awareness Through Movement, people of every age have learned to integrate physical and mental development into a new, invigorating wholeness. Feldenkais provides a modern-day, practical program for the perennial ideal of a healthy mind in a healthy body. Its down-to-earth method carefully avoids any mystical component and never obliges any pupil to master abstruse theories. Exercises for posture, eyes; imagination, and more will simultaneously build better body habits and focus new dimensons of awarenesss, self-awareness, self-image, and human potential.

Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984) is world renowned for the system of body-awareness and exercises he developed during his lifetime. He is the author of The Body and Mature Behavior, The Elusive Obvious, The Potent Self, and The Case of Nora. He originated the Awareness-Through-Movement method for increased health and heightened sensory awareness.


Part I: Understanding while doing
The self-image
Strata of development
Where to begin and how
Structure and function
The direction of progress
Part II: Doing to understand: Twelve practical lessons
General observations
Some practical hints
Lesson 1 What is good posture?
Lesson 2 What action is good?
Lesson 3 Some fundamental properties of movement
Lesson 4 Differentiation of parts and functions in breathing
Lesson 5 Coordiation of the flexor muscles and of the extensors
Lesson 6 Differentiation of pelvic movements by means of an imaginary clock
Lesson 7 The carriage of the head affects the state of the musculature
Lesson 8 Perfecting the self-image
Lesson 9 Spatial relationships as a means to coordinated action
Lesson 10 The movement of the eyes organizes the movement of the body
Lesson 11 Becoming aware of parts of which we are not conscious with the help of those of which we are conscious
Lesson 12 Thinking and breathing
Illustrations follow page 108
… (mere)
AikiBib | 6 andre anmeldelser | May 29, 2022 |
'(An) unique perspective on how we can achieve maximum happiness and productivity...The Potent Self is a wealth of information.'-Yoga Journal

'A fitting capstone for an exceptional career.'-Spiritual Frontiers

'Deserves to be on the reading list of anyone interested in a holistic approach to spirituality.'-Commonweal

The author of Awareness Through Movement here explores the key factor in human resistance to self-transformation. Feldenkrais shows how the past can form the building blocks for a creative future, providing insights into compusion, resistance, motivation, habit formation, maturity, mental and physical fitness, and the place of sex in developing full human potential.

Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984) is also the author of The Body and Mature Behavior and The Elusive Obvious, among other books, and originated the Awareness-Through-Movement method for increased health and heightened sensory awareness.

Edited by Michaeleen Kimmey


Editor's note
Introduction: Love thyself as thy neighbor
1 Human capacity
2 Spontaneity and compulsive action
3 Motivation and action
4 Resistance and cross motivation
5 Behavior and environment-Habit formation
6 The power of dependence and maturity
7 Reward and punishment-The absolute and the expedient
8 The origin of faulty posture-Faulty posture and action
9 Body and mind-A clearer picture
10 Action, inhibition, and fatigue
11 The aim of readjustment-Improving action
12 Correct posture
13 The means at or disposal-Volition and muscular tension
14 First general overhaul
15 About the technique
16 Physiology and social order
On sexual apprenticeship
Clarifying some notions
The vicious circle
17 The abdomen, the pelvis, and the head-Abdominal control
18 A little philosophy
Cross motivation
Premature ejaculation
19 Is there a way out?
… (mere)
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
This book dealing with ground work is the first in a series designed for students who already possess some elementary knowlege of Judo, and who wish to make themselves familiar with the more advanced actions. Good Judo cannot be learned without intelligent observation and understanding, by regular practice is essential above all else. The reader should find here much to make his practice more profitable. from Foreword (by G. Koizumi 6th Dan, founder of the Budokwai, Chairman of the Council of Judo Specialist of the European Judo Union) The principle of Judo is like the nature of water. Water flows to a balanced level. It has no shape of its own but moulds itself to the receptacle that contains it. Its surge is irresistible and it permeates everything. It has existed and will exist as long as time and space. When heated to the state of steam it is invisible, but has enough power to split the earth itself. When frozen it crystallizes into a mighty rock. Its services are boundless and its uses endless. First it is turbulent like the Niagara Falls, and then calm like a still pond, fearful like a torrent, and refreshing like a spring on a hot summer's day. So is the principle of Judo. The art of Judo has been commericialzied under many colourful labels and books have been published which, with a few exception, are either very much influenced by journalism or are of an elementary nature. Dr. M. Feldenkrais has made a serious study of the subject, himself attaining Black Belt efficiency. He has studied and analysed Judo as a scientist in the light of the laws of physics, physiology and psychology, and he reports the results in this book which is enlightening and satisfying to the scientific mind of our age. Such a study has been long awaited andis a very valuable contribution to the fuller understanding and appreciation of the merits of Judo. Dr. Feldenkrais explains how Judo training educates one to be 'independent of heritage.' This phrase is the keynote and hallmark of the standard of his treatise. It is universally recognized that Judo practice promotes the sense of balance and self-confidence, cultivates the ability to overcome brute force, inherited weaknesses or shortcomings, but the logical and scientific reasons for these effects were left unexplored. Dr. Feldenkrais, with his learned mind, keen observation and masterly command of words, clarifies the interrelation and the intermingled working of gravitation, body, bones, muscles, nerves, consciousness, subconscious and unconsciousness and opens the way for better understanding. However, a scientific study is by its nature sectional and a matter of conscious knowledge. Readers and students must therefore put the theory into practice, and digest and assimilate it beyond the state of consciousness before they can appreciate the claims or derive the full practical benefit from it. When practising they should keep in mind the broader and more fundamental aspects of Judo. As an art and a philosophy, the ultimate object of Judo is the attainment of harmonious unity of opposites in tune with life's realities; in short, unity of Man and God or Nature.--G. Koizumi Higher Judo: Ground Work, is Moshe Feldenkrais’s last and most sophisticated book on Judo. Back in print after an absence of decades, this attractive new edition includes forewords by Dennis Leri: Trainer and martial artist, Michel Brousse: Judoka and historian of French Judo, and Moti Navi: researcher on the Feldenkrais Method’s martial roots. These special forewords add historical and philosophical depth to the new edition. Higher Judo was written at a critical juncture in Feldenkrais’ development, just after writing Body and Mature Behavior, and after 25 years of involvement in the martial arts. The early chapters of Higher Judo are essential reading for every Feldenkrais Practitioner. They go far beyond self defense, arguing for judo as an educational practice that furthers maturation of the whole person, and revealing some of the fundamentals of Moshe’s thinking just as he is developing his method. In addition, practitioners who work with athletes or active individuals will find the book particularly insightful. (Softbound) Contents Preface Foreword Introduction I Judo Practice II Uniqueness of Action III Where We Start and Why IV Principles of Ground Work V Some Useful Exercises for Ground Work VI Ground Work Tactics VII Starting Ground Work VIII Six O'Clock Approach IX Right or Left Approach X Head On Approach XI The Astride Position XII Opponent Facing the Ground… (mere)
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |


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