Robert Cumming (skeln forfatterne fra hinanden)

"Robert Cumming" er sammensat af mindst 4 forskellige forfattere, opdelt efter deres værker.

Om forfatteren

Includes the name: Cumming Robert

Author Division

Almen Viden

Oplysning om flertydighed
1) Cumming, Robert Alexander, 1945- , British
art historian, critic and professor at Boston University, Annotated Art.

2) Cumming, Robert Hugh, Jr., 1943- ,  American photographer, painter, sculptor and printmaker, Robert Cumming: Cone of Vision.

3) Cumming, Robert, son of William P. Cumming, edited William P. Cumming and the Study of Cartography.

4) Cumming, Robert, English-born Swedish astronomer, editor-in-chief of astronomy magazine Populär astronomi.