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For andre forfattere med navnet John D. Barry, se skeln forfatterne siden.

25 Værker 659 Medlemmer 17 Anmeldelser

Om forfatteren

John D. Barry is a nonprofit CEO, Bible scholar, and pastor. After a career in Christian publishing and Bible software, John and his wife, Kalene, sold their house and nearly everything they owned to dedicate their lives to spreading the gospel and empowering the impoverished. They serve with vis mere Jesus' Economy, an innovative nonprofit creating jobs and churches in the developing world. John is the general editor of the highly-acclaimed Faithlife Study Bible and Lexham Bible Dictionary, used by over one million people, and the former editor of Bible Study Magazine. He is a pastor in the Pacific Northwest and speaks internationally. Learn more at vis mindre

Værker af John D. Barry

Faithlife Study Bible — General Editor — 50 eksemplarer
The Lexham Bible Dictionary — Redaktør — 47 eksemplarer
Colossians: Being Like Jesus (2014) 42 eksemplarer
DIY Bible Study — Editor, Coauthor, and Speaker — 32 eksemplarer
DIY Bible Study Videos 27 eksemplarer
Letters to a Christian (2016) 25 eksemplarer

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Bellingham, Washington, USA



Learn to define biblical words in their context. Because the Bible was written in ancient languages from foreign cultures, our English translations can’t always capture the nuances of the original text. Dictionaries may improve our general understanding of words, but they rarely show the context of how the words were used. This collection of Hebrew and Greek word studies, previously published in Bible Study Magazine, shows you the steps taken by expert scholars to analyze important words.
Rawderson_Rangel | Mar 23, 2022 |
Get the most advanced Bible dictionary in existence. The Lexham Bible Dictionary spans more than 7,000 articles and 4.5 million words, with contributions from over 700 top scholars from around the world. Designed as a digital resource, finding the right information is made easy. The LBD is engaged with the best and most recent scholarship and committed to the authority of the Bible. We believe that a resource uniting scholarship and faith makes God’s Word more approachable and more understandable—all for the sake of Christ’s gospel reaching more people.

The Lexham Bible Dictionary is an academic resource—but we made it accessible for everyone. In print, it would take up thousands of pages in multiple large volumes, but you can easily carry this digital format anywhere on a tablet or other mobile device. Many of our readers even use it for quick reference during Sunday-morning services. Because we wanted this dictionary to supplement the biblical text, we placed the most relevant information at the top of each article. This makes it a great tool for Bible studies, Sunday school classes, small groups, and of course your own personal study.

Articles are divided into specific subjects, making the entire dictionary more useable. You get the information you need, when you need it. Hand-curated links between articles aid your research, helping you naturally move through related topics. The Lexham Bible Dictionary will answer your questions as they arise and expand your knowledge of the Bible.
… (mere)
Rawderson_Rangel | 2 andre anmeldelser | Mar 23, 2022 |
Reading the Bible for yourself doesn’t have to be intimidating. With DIY Bible Study, you’ll learn how to study the Bible and enjoy it more than ever before. Step into the grand narrative of Scripture to see how our God has wrestled with—and saved—humanity.

This highly visual curriculum leverages Logos Bible Software and Lexham Press products to take your Bible study to the next level—or to help you begin. Video lessons explain Bible study principles and survey every book of the Bible. And application-focused content, accompanied by stunning graphics, helps you see what the Bible meant to its original readers and what it means for us today.

You’ll get an overview of the entire Bible, one study at a time. You’ll also discover methods to improve your study, and you’ll be introduced to helpful study tools. Discussion questions are included.

With the built-in plan, you can go through DIY Bible Study in a year, spending only ten minutes each day. Or you can read straight through like any other resource. Either way, you’ll always have the material to reference as a handbook during your regular study.
… (mere)
Rawderson_Rangel | 1 anden anmeldelse | Mar 23, 2022 |
The Lexham Bible Reference Series
ddwarriner | 2 andre anmeldelser | May 29, 2020 |

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