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Eli Maor

Forfatter af e: The Story of a Number

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Eli Maor is a teacher of the history of mathematics who has successfully popularized his subject with the general public through a series of informative and entertaining books. In "E: The Story of a Number," Maor uses anecdotes, excursions and essays to illustrate that number's importance to vis mere mathematics. "Trigonometric Delights" brings trigonometry to life by blending history, biography, scientific curiosities and mathematics to achieve the goal of showing how trigonometry has contributed to both science and social development. "To Infinity and Beyond: A Cultural History of the Infinite" explores the idea of infinity in mathematics and art through the use of the illustrations of the Dutch artist M.C. Escher. Eli Maor's readable books have made the world of numbers accessible even to those with little or no background in mathematics. (Bowker Author Biography) vis mindre

Omfatter også følgende navne: E Maor, Maor Eli

Image credit: Eli Maor

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curiosità trigonometriche

Maor lo dice subito: per lui la trigonometria è bellissima, e non si capacita che oramai non venga più insegnata a scuola, con la flebile scusa che con le calcolatrici non serve più avere sistemi per semplificare i conti da fare. Continuo ad avere dubbi sulla bellezza delle trigonometria, ma sono stati scossi un po' da questo testo, che nella prima parte fa una carrellata storica ma nella seconda mostra come tante altre nozioni matematiche che riteniamo ancora oggi utili hanno una correlazione con la trigonometria. Una chicca secondo me è vederla nella proiezione di Mercatore e scoprire che la sua carta geografica non è una proiezione cilindrica come pensano in tanti...
Nota: la versione elettronica del libro è fondamentalmente un PDF, il che significa che o la leggete su un tablet da 10 pollici o su un PC, ma non certo sul furbofono o sul Kindle.
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.mau. | 1 anden anmeldelse | Feb 11, 2024 |
This is one of the books that had many interesting sections, not enough to read the whole of it, but still worthwhile to have dipped into here and there. It may be worth another try some day.
mykl-s | 12 andre anmeldelser | Aug 9, 2023 |
Maor's treatise on the history of the Naperian base is an simple, interesting read beginning with a short biography of Napier himself. As is customary with any history of science or math of that time, Maor provides the reader with an obligatory look into the infamous conflict between Newton and Leibniz. While the history itself was not terribly new to me, my attention and delight was found in Maor's very instructive sidebars demonstrating applications, including the logarithmic spiral in art and the Weber-Fechner law.

While I don't think that one has to be fully conversant in calculus to enjoy this book, some awareness of math may be necessary to fully grasp everything that Maor offers. For myself, I found it to be perfect light reading for those occasions when the mind needs diversion without fluff.
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BrentN | 12 andre anmeldelser | Jan 7, 2023 |
I started this book many years ago, and got about half way in, and realized that I was struggling to understand the math concepts. This led me to reviewing my college algebra, something that I still have on my project list - a long term project list as it turns out. I am culling this from my current reading list for now.
quinton.baran | 12 andre anmeldelser | Mar 29, 2021 |



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