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Galway Kinnell (1927–2014)

Forfatter af The Book of Nightmares

29+ Værker 2,176 Medlemmer 19 Anmeldelser 9 Favorited

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Galway Kinnell was born on February 1, 1927 in Providence, Rhode Island. During World War II, he served in the Navy. He received a B.A. from Princeton University in 1948 and a M.A. from the University of Rochester in 1949. He taught writing at many schools around the world, including universities vis mere in France, Australia, and Iran, and served as director of the creative writing programs at New York University. He wrote several collections of poetry including Body Rags, The Book of Nightmares, Walking down the Stairs, When One Has Lived a Long Time, Imperfect Thirst, and Mortal Acts, Mortal Words. He won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry and a National Book Award for Selected Poems in 1983. He also wrote one novel entitled Black Light. He died from leukemia on October 28, 2014 at the age of 87. (Bowker Author Biography) vis mindre

Includes the name: Galway Kinell

Værker af Galway Kinnell

The Book of Nightmares (1971) 406 eksemplarer
The Essential Rilke (1999) 235 eksemplarer
A New Selected Poems (2001) 210 eksemplarer
Selected Poems: Galway Kinnell (1982) 196 eksemplarer
When One Has Lived a Long Time Alone (1990) 150 eksemplarer
The Essential Whitman (1987) — Redaktør — 143 eksemplarer
Strong Is Your Hold (2006) 131 eksemplarer
Imperfect Thirst (1994) 120 eksemplarer
Mortal Acts, Mortal Words (1980) 81 eksemplarer
Body Rags (1968) 77 eksemplarer
The Past (1985) 57 eksemplarer
Collected Poems (2017) 55 eksemplarer

Associated Works

The Making of a Poem: A Norton Anthology of Poetic Forms (2000) — Bidragyder — 1,271 eksemplarer
The Poems of Francois Villon (1960) — Oversætter, nogle udgaver1,060 eksemplarer
A Book of Luminous Things: An International Anthology of Poetry (1996) — Bidragyder — 835 eksemplarer
Poetry 180: A Turning Back to Poetry (2003) — Bidragyder — 774 eksemplarer
The Vintage Book of Contemporary American Poetry (1990) — Bidragyder — 765 eksemplarer
A Pocket Book of Modern Verse (1954) — Bidragyder, nogle udgaver448 eksemplarer
The Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart: A Poetry Anthology (1992) — Bidragyder — 393 eksemplarer
Contemporary American Poetry (1962) — Bidragyder, nogle udgaver386 eksemplarer
Ten Poems to Change Your Life (2001) — Bidragyder — 355 eksemplarer
Against Forgetting: Twentieth-Century Poetry of Witness (1993) — Bidragyder — 336 eksemplarer
The Best American Poetry 2001 (2001) — Bidragyder — 223 eksemplarer
The Best American Poetry 1999 (1999) — Bidragyder — 208 eksemplarer
The Art of Losing (2010) — Bidragyder — 204 eksemplarer
Teaching with Fire: Poetry That Sustains the Courage to Teach (2003) — Bidragyder — 202 eksemplarer
The Best American Poetry 2005 (2005) — Bidragyder — 177 eksemplarer
The Best American Poetry 2003 (2003) — Bidragyder — 174 eksemplarer
The Best American Poetry 2007 (2007) — Bidragyder — 166 eksemplarer
American Religious Poems: An Anthology (2006) — Bidragyder — 164 eksemplarer
The Faber Book of Beasts (1997) — Bidragyder — 141 eksemplarer
Emergency Kit (1996) — Bidragyder, nogle udgaver109 eksemplarer
The Best American Poetry 1992 (1992) — Bidragyder — 102 eksemplarer
The Hungry Ear: Poems of Food and Drink (2012) — Bidragyder — 63 eksemplarer
The Ecopoetry Anthology (2013) — Bidragyder — 49 eksemplarer
Antaeus No. 75/76, Autumn 1994 - The Final Issue (1994) — Bidragyder — 32 eksemplarer
Atomic Ghost: Poets Respond to the Nuclear Age (1995) — Bidragyder — 30 eksemplarer
60 Years of American Poetry (1996) — Bidragyder — 28 eksemplarer
Selected Poetry, 1937-1990 (Wesleyan Poetry) (1994) — Oversætter — 20 eksemplarer
A Good Man: Fathers and Sons in Poetry and Prose (1993) — Bidragyder — 20 eksemplarer
Wonders: Writings and Drawings for the Child in Us All (1980) — Bidragyder — 18 eksemplarer
New World Writing 14 (1950) — Bidragyder — 8 eksemplarer
Handspan of Red Earth: An Anthology of American Farm Poems (1991) — Bidragyder — 7 eksemplarer
The Paris Review 96 1985 Summer (1985) — Bidragyder — 2 eksemplarer

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Rainer Maria Rilke i Someone explain it to me... (april 2015)


Whitmanesque, yep, though like if Walt had been infected with a strain of Southern Gothic. "The nagleria eating the convolutions from the black pulp of thought", yech.

Brothers and sisters;
lovers and children;
great mothers and grand fathers
whose love-times have been cut
already into stone; great
grand foetuses spelling
the past again into the flesh's waters:
can you bless - or not curse -
whatever struggles to stay alive
on this planet of struggles?
The nagleria eating the convolutions
from the black pulp of thought,
or the spirochete rotting down
the last temples of Eros, the last god?
- from There Are Things I Tell to No One
… (mere)
lelandleslie | 1 anden anmeldelse | Feb 24, 2024 |
Clearly great and yet not quite for me. Another day, another mood...
Kiramke | 1 anden anmeldelse | Jun 27, 2023 |

I was first introduced to Galway Kinnell in graduate school nearly 30 years ago, and for some time, he was my favorite poet. I recall coming home for spring break and I was asked to say a blessing before dinner. I recited Kinnell's "Prayer":

Whatever happens. Whatever
what is is is what
I want. Only that. But that.

My stepmother's wide-eyed gaze was my answer to that prayer.


I had not read Body Rags for some time; it has been collecting dust along with all of the rest of my Kinnell collection. I found my way back to Body Rags while reading Delia Owens' Where the Crawdads Sing. On page 116, Owens cites snippets of "this one by Galway Kinnell"--a poem that is otherwise untitled.

I did care...
I did say everything I thought
In het mildest words I knew. And now,...
I have to say I am relieved I tis over:
At the end I could feel only pity
For that urge toward more life.

I recognized this poem as part of "The Correspondence School Instructor Says Goodbye To His Poetry Students," and I could not recall the volume from which it came. I ultimately found it in Body Rags. (As an aside, this snippet was in a chapter in Crawdads titled "Crossing the Threshold: 1960." That date seemed early to me for this poem; I confirmed that Body Rags was first published in 1965. But I digress.)

So I dusted off the cover and began to read, again. I'd always liked "Instructor" for both its humor and commentary on the poet's work and craftsmanship. Ironically, it is this same poem that clarifies my own apostatizing from Kinnell, the poet laureate, Pulitzer Prize, and National Book Award Winner. From the second stanza:

...And now,
in this poem, or chopped prose, not any better,
I realize, than those troubled lines...


"The Porcupine" has long been one of my favorite Kinnell poems. I repeat its first stanza here:

on herbs, swollen on crabapples,
puffed up on bast and phloem, ballooned
on willow flowers, poplar catkins, first
leafs of aspen and larch,
the porcupine
drags and bounces his last meal through ice,
mud, roses and goldenrod, not the stubbly high fields.

The language ("bast", "phloem", "catkins", "larch") is as unique as the title, and flows with mellifluous "l"s ("swollen", "phloem", "ballooned", "willow flowers", "larch") whose playfulness with alliterative bouncy "b"s ("herbs", "crabapples", "bast", "ballooned", "bounces") creates an image of a porcupine waddling along. No doubt it is "poetic" language. But is it poetry? How is this stanza different from Kinnell's own "chopped prose" reassembled below?

Fatted on herbs, swollen on crabapples, puffed up on bast and phloem, ballooned on willow flowers, poplar catkins, first leafs of aspen and larch, the porcupine drags and bounces his last meal through ice, mud, roses and goldenrod, not the stubbly high fields.


Poetry requires structure and meter. Free verse is art; it can be beautiful language; but it is not poetry. It is, as Kinnell himself allows, "chopped prose". On that basis, Body Rags is a strong collection of chopped prose.
… (mere)
RAD66 | Nov 12, 2020 |
The late Galway Kinnell (1927 - 2014) was a Pulitzer Prize-winner and former poet laureate of the state of Vermont. This giant tome covers 68 years of Galway Kinnell's poetry, dated from 1946 to 2014. The writings are organized in chronological order by the year published and feature over 250 poems, including one of my favorites: After Making Love We Hear Footsteps

For I can snore like a bullhorn
or play loud music
or sit up talking with any reasonably sober Irishman
and Fergus will only sink deeper
into his dreamless sleep, which goes by all in one flash,
but let there be that heavy breathing
or a stifled come-cry anywhere in the house
and he will wrench himself awake
and make for it on the run—as now, we lie together,
after making love, quiet, touching along the length of our bodies,
familiar touch of the long-married,
and he appears—in his baseball pajamas, it happens,
the neck opening so small he has to screw them on—
and flops down between us and hugs us and snuggles himself to sleep,
his face gleaming with satisfaction at being this very child.

In the half darkness we look at each other
and smile
and touch arms across this little, startlingly muscled body—
this one whom habit of memory propels to the ground of his making,
sleeper only the mortal sounds can sing awake,
this blessing love gives again into our arms.

Note: I received an advance reading copy from Goodreads and Houghton Mifflin.
… (mere)
hianbai | 1 anden anmeldelse | May 28, 2020 |



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