Bob Harris (skeln forfatterne fra hinanden)

"Bob Harris" er sammensat af mindst 14 forskellige forfattere, opdelt efter deres værker.

Author Division

Bob Harris (12)

Works have been aliased into Bob Harras.

Bob Harris (16)

Works have been aliased into Robert J. Harris.

The Talisman Dungeon (1987) — Designer — 2 eksemplarer

Almen Viden

Oplysning om flertydighed
#1 Harris, Bob, 1963- Prisoner of Trebekistan
#2 Harris, Bob, 1946- Growing wild mushrooms
#3 Harris, Bob, 1964- Politics and the rise of the press
#4 Bob Harris, BBC radio host of the live music shows in the 1970s, The Old Grey Whistle Test and Sounds Of The Seventies on Radio 1.
#5 Robert (Bob) William Harris, born 9 Nov. 1944 - Sir Bobby Robson: Living the Game
#6 Harris, Robert Charles (Bob) - The best of B.C.'s hiking trails
#7 Bob Harris - Bob Harris's Guide to Stained Concrete Interior Floors
#10 Harris, Bob (Robert) A handbook for wilderness survival
#11 Bob Harris, b. 7/7/30 - Motor City Rock and Roll
#12 Bob Harras, comic book writer - Avengers
#13 Bob Harris - Working with Distressed Young People (Empowering Youth and Community Work…
#14 Bob Harris was the narrator for Insects & other arthropods
#15 Bob Harris - Who Shot JFK?
#16 Robert (Bob) Harris - Talisman