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Jared Diamond

Forfatter af Vejen til verden af i dag

79+ Works 45,688 Members 694 Reviews 169 Favorited

Om forfatteren

Jared Mason Diamond is a physiologist, ecologist, and the author of several popular science books. Born in Boston in 1937, Diamond earned his B.A. at Harvard and his Ph.D. from Cambridge. A distinguished teacher and researcher, Diamond is well-known for the columns he contributes to the widely read vis mere magazines Natural History and Discover. Diamond's book The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal was heralded for its accessibility and for its blending of science and social science. The interdisciplinary Guns, Germs and Steel--Diamond's examination of the relationship between scientific technology and economic disparity--won the 1997 Pulitzer Prize. Diamond has won a McArthur Foundation Fellowship in addition to several smaller awards for his science and writing. (Bowker Author Biography) vis mindre


Værker af Jared Diamond

Vejen til verden af i dag (1997) 25,103 eksemplarer
Natural Experiments of History (2010) — Redaktør — 138 eksemplarer
The Last Tree on Easter Island (2021) 22 eksemplarer
Community Ecology (1986) 9 eksemplarer
Seks Neden Keyiflidir (2016) 2 eksemplarer
365 historische gebeurtenissen (2009) 1 eksemplar
Building to Code 1 eksemplar
Dining With Snakes 1 eksemplar
Writing Right 1 eksemplar
Father's Milk 1 eksemplar
Race Without Color 1 eksemplar
Question of Size 1 eksemplar
Easter's End 1 eksemplar
Why Women Change 1 eksemplar
The Curse of Qwerty 1 eksemplar
Turning A Man 1 eksemplar
Reversal of Fortune 1 eksemplar
Insan Cinselliginin Evrimi (2019) 1 eksemplar
Silent Partner (CD) 1 eksemplar
Inventer pour le XXIe siècle (2011) — Bidragyder — 1 eksemplar
Catherine the Great 1 eksemplar

Associated Works

The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing (2008) — Bidragyder — 803 eksemplarer
What Evolution Is (2001) — Forord — 743 eksemplarer
The Best American Essays 2004 (2004) — Bidragyder — 292 eksemplarer
The New Humanists: Science at the Edge (2003) — Bidragyder — 230 eksemplarer
1000 Events That Shaped the World (2007) — Forord — 122 eksemplarer
Guns, Germs, and Steel [2005 TV mini series] (2005) — Orignal book — 48 eksemplarer
The Living Bird: 100 Years of Listening to Nature (2015) — Bidragyder — 40 eksemplarer
Penguin Green Ideas Collection (2021) — Bidragyder — 12 eksemplarer

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agriculture (129) antropologi (2,513) arkæologi (228) biologi (644) civilization (740) disease (107) ebog (141) ejer (182) essay (94) essays (163) ethnology (153) evolution (1,054) faglitteratur (3,917) filosofi (104) geografi (477) Goodreads (111) historie (5,554) human evolution (133) Jared Diamond (117) kultur (415) læst (415) miljø (617) naturhistorie (116) politik (252) popular science (228) Pulitzer Prize (111) Skal læses (2,145) social evolution (192) social history (242) social science (248) society (418) sociologi (1,275) teknologi (164) ulæst (302) verdenshistorie (675) videnskab (2,443) world (100) økologi (430) økonomi (251) ønskeliste (102)

Almen Viden

Juridisk navn
Diamond, Jared Mason
Andre navne
DIAMOND, Jared Mason
Land (til kort)
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Roxbury Latin School
Harvard University (BA | 1958)
University of Cambridge (PhD | Physiology and Biophysics | 1961)
evolutionary biologist
Professor of Physiology
anthropologist (vis alle 9)
science writer
Cohen, Marie Nabel (wife)
Diamond, Josh (son)
Diamond, Max (son)
American Philosophical Society
World Wildlife Fund
University of California, Los Angeles
The Skeptics Society
Priser og hædersbevisninger
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
National Academy of Sciences
Lannan Literary Award (1999)
California Book Awards (1998)
Elliott Coues Award (1998)
Phi Beta Kappa Science Book Prize (1997) (vis alle 21)
Lewis Thomas Prize for Writing about Science (2002)
Randi Award (1994)
Zoological Society of San Diego Conservation Medal (1993)
Los Angeles Times Science Book Prize (1992)
Tanner Lecturer (1992)
Archie Carr Medal (1989)
MacArthur Fellowship (1985)
Franklin L. Burr Award (1979)
Nathaniel Bowditch Prize (1976)
Kaiser Permanente/Golden Apple Teaching Award (1976)
Distinguished Achievement Award, 1975
Distinguished Teaching Award, 1972, 1973
Prize Fellowship, 1961
National Medal of Science (1999)
Kew International Medal, 2012
Kort biografi
Jared Diamond, professor of geography at the University of California at Los Angeles ... began his scientific career in physiology and expanded into evolutionary biology and biogeography. [from Guns, Germs, and Steel (2005)]
JARED DIAMOND is Professor of Geography at the University of California, Los Angeles. Until recently he was Professor of Physiology at the UCLA School of Medicine. He is the author of The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies?; Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, and the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of the widely acclaimed Guns, Germs, and Steel: the Fates of Human Societies, which also is the winner of Britain's 1998 Rhone-Poulenc Science Book Prize.

Dr. Diamond is also the author of two other trade books: The Third Chimpanzee, which won The Los Angeles Times Book award for the best science book of 1992 and Britain's 1992 Rhone-Poulenc Science Book Prize; and Why is Sex Fun? (ScienceMasters Series).

Dr. Diamond is the recipient of a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship ("Genius Award"); research prizes of the American Physiological Society, National Geographic Society, and Zoological Society of San Diego; and many teaching awards and endowed public lectureships. In addition, he has been elected a member of all three of the leading national scientific/academic honorary societies (National Academy of Sciences, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, American Philosophical Society).

His field experience includes 17 expeditions to New Guinea and neighboring islands, to study ecology and evolution of birds; rediscovery of New Guinea's long-lost goldenfronted bowerbird; other field projects in North America, South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia. As a conservationist he devised a comprehensive plan, almost all of which was subsequently implemented, for Indonesian New Guinea's national park system; numerous field projects for the Indonesian government and World Wildlife Fund; founding member of the board of the Society of Conservation Biology; member of the Board of Directors of World Wildlife Fund/USA.




AUGUST - SPOILERS - Collapse i The Green Dragon (oktober 2014)


Indeholder "Prologue", "Part One: Just another Species of Big Mammal", " 1. A Tale of Three Chimps", " 2. The Great Leap Forward", "Part Two: An Animal with a Strange Life Cycle", " 3. The Evolution of Human Sexuality", " 4. The Science of Adultery", " 5. How We Pick Our Mates and Sex Partners", " 6. Sexual Selection, and the Origin of Human Races", " 7. Why Do We Grow Old and Die?", "Part Three: Uniquely Human", " 8. Bridges to Human Language", " Appendix: Neo-Melanesian in One Easy Lesson", " 9. Animal Origins of Art", " 10. Agriculture's Mixed Blessings", " 11. Why Do We Smoke, Drink, and Use Dangerous Drugs?", " 12. Alone in a Crowded Universe", "Part Four: World Conquerors", " 13. The Last First Contacts", " 14. Accidental Conquerors", " 15. Horses, Hittites, and History", " Appendix: A proto-Indo-European Fable", " 16. In Black and White", " Appendix: Indian Policies of Some Famous Americans", " 17. The Golden Age That Never Was", " 18. Blitzkrieg and Thanksgiving in the New World", " 19. The Second Cloud", "Epilogue: Nothing Learned, and Everything Forgotten?", "Further Reading", "Acknowledgements", "Index".

VI er helt tydeligt en art chimpanse. VI har over 98% af generne tilfælles med de andre to arter. Del 1 handler om vores arts historie de seneste millioner af år, Del 2 handler om ændringerne i livsstil, så vi hjælper børnene lang tid efter at de er vænnet fra. Del 3 handler om de kulturelle ændringer der adskiller os fra dyrene: sprog, kunst, teknologi og landbrug. Del 4 handler om den dårlige vane med at slå anderledes grupper af mennesker ihjel. Del 5 handler om den dårlige vane med at ødelægge vores livsgrundlag ved at overforbruge resourcer. Epilogen handler om det foruroligende i at vores evne til at ødelægge altid aldrig har været større end nu.

Forfatteren er uddannet fysiolog, men med stor interesse for fugle og natur. Et studie af Ny Guinea fik ham til at samle tråde til denne bog. Indtil for nylig var de enkelte stammer dødeligt fjendtlige overfor hinanden og det er sikkert en udmærket model af verden i forhistorisk tid. Genetisk og kropsligt er det pudsigt at udviklingen af det moderne menneske er sket gradvist over lang tid, men først for ca 40.000 år siden begynder en udvikling at kunne spores i de redskaber menneskene bruger. Er det kultur eller er der nogle få gener, der trigger denne udvikling. Til at finde ud af hvor langt der er mellem to dna-strenge er der en primitiv proces, hvor man blander dem og ser på smeltepunktssænkning. Nu om stunder er dna-sekventiering blevet så hurtigt og billigt at man bare bruger det i stedet. Han bruger en del sider på at etablere et udviklingsstamtræ for mennesker og aber, Og så overvejer han at det er problematisk at udrydde aber, der egentlig burde være anbragt i homo grenen af udviklingstræet. Og hvad med medicinske forsøg?
Lidt overvejelser om forskellene mellem mennesker og andre dyr skyldes gener, og i så fald hvilke? Vi har været homo sapiens længe, men på et tidspunkt gik udviklingen pludseligt meget stærkt? Men hvornår og hvorfor? Han har levet sammen med moderne stammer, der er jægere og samlere, og det er ret sikkert at de ikke fanger ret store dyr ret tit. Neandertalerne bredte sig ikke og praktiserede ikke handel. Homo sapiens derimod handler og bytter ting og sager. Neandertalerne forsvandt da Cro Magnon folkene dukkede op. Udkonkurreret eller udraderet? Sprog er måske forklaringen på succes? Det er svært at sige "gå to kilometer, drej til højre ved det store træ og læg dig på lur ved vandhullet" med tegnsprog.
Vi har en meget anderledes livscyklus end andre dyr og aber. Vi bliver meget gamle, vi passer børnene til længe efter at de er vænnet fra og vi er nogenlunde monogame. Mændene har et meget stort kønslem og små testikler. Kvinderne har store bryster også uden at have født. Men hvorfor? Der er mange teorier.
Sidespring og utroskab er også ganske udbredt (han nævner undersøgelser der viser ca 10% uægte børn!). Mormoner og flerkoneri. Partnervalg er også et emne. Han er biolog, så sammenligninger med fugle og andre dyr ligger lige for.
Selektion og evolution. Levealder (hvorfor bliver vi ikke fx 200 år). Reperationsomkostninger, hvornår sætter man det første afkom i verden? Forfatteren er lidt nedtrykt over at det ser ud til at vores designlevetid passer med at næsten alle dele er slidt ned.
Uden sprog, intet der ligner vores nuværende civilisation. Men dyr har også lyde og noget, der ligner sprog, så hvad er forskellen? Grammatik? Pidgins og Creoles. Og et glimrende eksempel på Neo-Melanesisk: Kam insait = Come inside. Olgeta samting = Altogether something, osv.
Kunst. Fx en malende elefant.
Landbrug. Det er jo fint at vi kan brødføde os selv, men det giver også hurtigt store byer, hvor sygdomme kan florere, som ellers ville brænde sig selv ud i tyndere befolkede egne.
Alkohol, tobak og narkotika er også et særkende for mennesker. Det er et signal, der ikke kan fakes: Jeg tør gøre noget farligt. Lidt som rige mennesker, der køber en dyr bil bare for at vise at de har masser af penge. Han referer også til en Maya skik med lavementer med alkohol, tobak og andre stoffer. Det går lige i blodet og udenom leveren. Smart ide!
Nicher som spætter, eller drøvtyggere, viser at det ikke er alle muligheder, der bliver grebet. Australien har ikke spætter. Og gad vide om intelligens har overlevelsesværdi?
Første kontakt med stenalderfolk. Den sidste var i Ny Guinea, hvor jungle og trælse bjerge gjorde det umuligt at nå ind i landet før i 1938, hvor Richard Archbold med massiv brug af bærere og logistik nåede ind i hvad han troede var ubeboet land, men hvor der boede 50000 mennesker. Foré folket og deres Kuru sygdom. Masser af isolerede smågrupper med hver deres sprog.
Husdyrbrug. Heste som krigsvåben.
Finland, finsk, finsk-urgiske sprog.
Folkedrab og masseudryddelser. Tasmanerne som eksempel. Hvordan definerer man genocide? Mekanismerne bagved. Fx Hitler der påstod at invasionen af Polen var selvforsvar.
Hvad med fremtiden? Det er faktisk lykkedes for andre dyr end mennesker at overforbruge resourcer i en grad, så de endte med at uddø. Er det skæbnen, der venter på os?
Moa-fuglen og mange andre arter blev udryddet af Maorierne, så det er ikke bare vesterlændige, der har dræbergenet. Påskeøen. Mellemøsten, Grækenland, alle er eksempler på økologiske katastrofer.
Menneskets indtog i Amerika og udryddelsen af megafaunaen. Clovis folket.
Moderne tiders masseudryddelse af arter. En økologisk krise er helt klart under opsejling og eneste spørgsmål er om det er vores børn eller børnebørn, der bliver ofre, hvis ikke vi gør nogle af de helt indlysende ting, der kan bremse den. Der er masser af grunde til pessimisme "Nothing learned, and everything forgotten!". Men faktisk er han en forsigtig optimist og ser tegn på bedring.

Bogen rummer en hel del ideer som han siden har foldet ud i andre og bedre bøger.
… (mere)
bnielsen | 35 andre anmeldelser | Mar 5, 2017 |
Indeholder "Preface. Why is World History Like an Onion?", "Prologue. Yali's Question", " The regionally differing courses of history", "Part 1. From Eden to Cajamarca", " Chapter 1. Up to the Starting Line", " What happened on all the continents before 11,000 B.C.?", " Chapter 2. A Natural Experiment of History", " How geography molded societies on Polynesian islands", " Chapter 3. Collision at Cajamarca", " Why the Inca emperor Atahuallpa did not capture King Charles I of Spain", "Part 2. The Rise and Spread of Food Production", " Chapter 4. Farmer Power", " The roots of guns, germs, and steel", " Chapter 5. History's Haves and Have-nots", " Geographic differences in the onset of food production", " Chapter 6. To Farm or not To Farm", " Causes of the spread of food production", " Chapter 7. How to Make an Almond", " The unconscious development of ancient crops", " Chapter 8. Apples or Indians", " Why did peoples of some regions fail to domesticate plants?", " Chapter 9. Zebras, Unhappy Marriages, and the Anna Karenina Principle", " Why were most big wild mammal species never domesticated?", " Chapter 10. Spacious Skies and Tilted Axes", " Why did food production spread at different rates on different continents?", "Part 3. From Food to Guns, Germs, and Steel", " Chapter 11. Lethal Gift of Livestock", " The evolution of germs", " Chapter 12. Blueprints and Borrowed Letters", " The evolution of writing", " Chapter 13. Necessity's Mother", " The evolution of technology", " Chapter 14. From Egalitarianism to Kleptocracy", " The evolution of government and religion", "Part 4. Around the World in Five Chapters", " Chapter 15. Yali's People", " The histories of Australia and New Guinea", " Chapter 16. How China became Chinese", " The history of East Asia", " Chapter 17. Speedboat to Polynesia", " The history of the Austronesian expansion", " Chapter 18. Hemispheres Colliding", " The histories of Eurasia and the Americas compared", " Chapter 19. How Africa became Black", " The history of Africa", "Epilogue. The Future of Human History as a Science", "Acknowledgments", "Further Readings", "Credits", "Index".

… (mere)
bnielsen | 375 andre anmeldelser | Feb 15, 2017 |
Indeholder "List of Maps", "Prologue: A Tale of Two Farms", " Two farms", " Collapses, past and present", " Vanished Edens?", " A five-point framework", " Businesses and the environment", " The comparative method", " Plan of the book", "Part One: Modern Montana", "Chapter 1: Under Montana's Big Sky", " Stan Falkow's story", " Montana and me", " Why begin with Montana?", " Montana's economic history", " Mining", " Forests", " Soil", " Water", " Native and non-native species", " Differing visions", " Attitudes towards regulation", " Rick Laible's story", " Chip Pigman's story", " Tim Huls's story", " John Cook's story", " Montana, model of the world", "Part Two: Past Societies", "Chapter 2: Twilight at Easter", "The quarry's mysteries", " Easter's geography and history", " People and food", " Chiefs, clans, and commoners", " Platforms and statues", " Carving, transporting, erecting", " The vanished forest", " Consequences for society", " Europeans and explanations", " Why was Easter fragile?", " Easter as metaphor", "Chapter 3: The Last People Alive: Pitcairn and Henderson Islands", " Pitcairn before the Bounty", " Three dissimilar islands", " Trade", " The movie's ending", "Chapter 4: The Ancient Ones: The Anasazi and Their Neighbors", " Desert farmers", " Tree rings", " Agricultural strategies", " Chaco's problems and packrats", " Regional integration", " Chaco's decline and end", " Chaco's message", "Chapter 5: The Maya Collapses", " Mysteries of lost cities", " The Maya environment", " Maya agriculture", " Maya history", " Copan", " Complexities of collapses", " Wars and droughts", " Collapse in the southern lowlands", " The Maya message", "Chapter 6: The Viking Prelude and Fugues", " Experiments in the Atlantic", " The Viking explosion", " Autocatalysis", " Viking agriculture", " Iron", " Viking chiefs", " Viking religion", " Orkneys, Shetlands, Faeroes", " Iceland's environment", " Iceland's history", " Iceland in context", " Vinland", "Chapter 7: Norse Greenland's Flowering", " Europe's outpost", " Greenland's climate today", " Climate in the past", " Native plants and animals", " Norse settlement", " Farming", " Hunting and fishing", " An integrated economy", " Society", " Trade with Europe", " Self-image", "Chapter 8: Norse Greenland's End", " Introduction to the end", " Deforestation", " Soil and turf damage", " The Inuit's predecessors", " Inuit subsistence", " Inuit/Norse relations", " The end", " Ultimate causes of the end", "Chapter 9: Opposite Paths to Success", " Bottom up, top down", " New Guinea highlands", " Tikopia", " Tokugawa problems", " Tokugawa solutions", " Why Japan succeeded", " Other successes", "Part Three: Modern Societies", "Chapter 10: Malthus in Africa: Rwanda's Genocide", " A dilemma", " Events in Rwanda", " More than ethnic hatred", " Buildup in Kanama", " Explosion in Kanama", " Why it happened", "Chapter 11: One Island, Two Peoples, Two Histories: The Dominican Republic and Haiti", " Differences", " Histories", " Causes of divergence", " Dominican environmental impacts", " Balaguer", " The Dominican environment today", " The future", "Chapter 12: China, Lurching Giant", " China's significance", " Background", " Air, water, soil", " Habitat, species, megaprojects", " Consequences", " Connections", " The future", "Chapter 13: 'Mining' Australia", " Australia's significance", " Soils", " Water", " Distance", " Early history", " Imported values", " Trade and immigration", " Land degradation", " Other environmental problems", " Signs of hope and change", "Part Four: Practical Lessons", "Chapter 14: Why Do Some Societies Make Disastrous Decisions?", " Road map for success", " Failure to anticipate", " Failure to perceive", " Rational bad behavior", " Disastrous values", " Other irrational failures", " Unsuccessful solutions", " Signs of hope", "Chapter 15: Big Businesses and the Environment: Different Conditions, Different Outcomes", " Resource extraction", " Two oil fields", " Oil company motives", " Hardrock mining operations", " Mining company motives", " Differences among mining companies", " The logging industry", " Forest Stewardship Council", " The seafood industry", " Businesses and the public", "Chapter 16: The World as a Polder: What Does It All Mean to Us Today?", " Introduction", " The most serious problems", " If we don't solve them ...", " Life in Los Angeles", " One-liner objections", " The past and the present", " Reasons for hope", "Acknowledgments", "Further Readings", "Index", "Illustration Credits".

En meget tankevækkende gennemgang af samfund, der er styret lige ud i et kollaps.
… (mere)
bnielsen | 182 andre anmeldelser | Nov 26, 2016 |
Indeholder "List of Tables and Figures", "Prologue: At the Airport", " An airport scene", " Why study traditional societies?", " States", " Types of traditional societies", " Approaches, causes, and sources", " A small book about a big subject", " Plan of the book", "Part 1. Setting the Stage by Dividing Space", "Chapter 1. Friends, Enemies, Strangers, and Traders", " A boundary", " Mutually exclusive territories", " Non-exclusive land use", " Friends, enemies, and strangers", " First contacts", " Trade and traders", " Market economies", " Traditional forms of trade", " Traditional trade items", " Who trades what?", " Tiny nations", "Part 2. Peace and War", "Chapter 2. Compensation for the Death of a Child", " An accident", " A ceremony", " What if ...?", " What the state did", " New Guinea compensation", " Life-long relationships", " Other non-state societies", " State authority", " State civil justice", " Defects in state civil justice", " State criminal justice", " Restorative justice", " Advantages and their price", "Chapter 3. A Short Chapter, About a Tiny War", " The Dani War", " The war's time-line", " The war's death toll", "Chapter 4. A Longer Chapter, About Many Wars", " Definitions of war", " Sources of information", " Forms of traditional warfare", " Mortality rates", " Similarities and differences", " Ending warfare", " Effects of European contact", " Warlike animals, peaceful peoples", " Motives for traditional war", " Ultimate reasons", " Whom do people fight?", " Forgetting Pearl Harbor", "Part 3. Young and Old", "Chapter 5. Bringing Up Children", " Comparisons of child-rearing", " Childbirth", " Infanticide", " Weaning and birth interval", " On-demand nursing", " Infant-adult contact", " Fathers and allo-parents", " Responses to crying infants", " Physical punishment", " Child autonomy", " Multi-age playgroups", " Child play and education", " Their kids and our kids", "Chapter 6. The Treatment of Old People: Cherish, Abandon, or Kill?", " The elderly", " Expectations about eldercare", " Why abandon or kill?", " Usefulness of old people", " Society's values", " Society's rules", " Better or worse today?", " What to do with older people?", "Part 4. Danger and Response", "Chapter 7. Constructive Paranoia", " Attitudes towards danger", " A night visit", " A boat accident", " Just a stick in the ground", " Taking risks", " Risks and talkativeness", " Chapter 8. Lions and Other Dangers", " Dangers of traditional life", " Accidents", " Vigilance", " Human violence", " Diseases", " Responses to diseases", " Starvation", " Unpredictable food shortages", " Scatter your land", " Seasonality and food storage", " Diet broadening", " Aggregation and dispersal", " Responses to danger", "Part 5. Religion, Language, and Health", "Chapter 9. What Electric Eels Tell Us About the Evolution of Religion", " Questions about religion", " Definitions of religion", " Functions and electric eels", " The search for causal explanations", " Supernatural beliefs", " Religion's function of explanation", " Defusing anxiety", " Providing comfort", " Organization and obedience", " Codes of behavior towards strangers", " Justifying war", " Badges of commitment", " Measures of religious success", " Changes in religion's functions", "Chapter 10. Speaking in Many Tongues", " Multilingualism", " The world's language total", " How languages evolve", " Geography of language diversity", " Traditional multilingualism", " Benefits of bilingualism", " Alzheimer's disease", " Vanishing languages", " How languages disappear", " Are minority languages harmful?", " Why preserve languages?", " How can we protect languages?", "Chapter 11. Salt, Sugar, Fat, and Sloth", " Non-communicable diseases", " Our salt intake", " Salt and blood pressure", " Causes of hypertension", " Dietary sources of salt", " Diabetes", " Types of diabetes", " Genes, environment, and diabetes", " Pima Indians and Nauru Islanders", " Diabetes in India", " Benefits of genes for diabetes", " Why is diabetes low in Europeans?", " The future of non-communicable diseases", "Epilogue: At Another Airport", " From the jungle to the 405", " Advantages of the modern world", " Advantages of the traditional world", " What can we learn?", "Acknowledgments", "Further Readings", "Index", "Illustration Credits".

… (mere)
bnielsen | 46 andre anmeldelser | Nov 25, 2016 |


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