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Love After Pain

af Torrie Robles

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I didn't want to fall in love. Love wasn't included in the plan I had laid out for myself. My plan was simple; go to school, graduate and become the most well-known corporate law attorney on the west coast. I had it all right in the palm of my hand until the day I heard her voice, saw her smile, and fell in love with the most gorgeous set of emerald eyes. Love hits you like a Mac truck and you're done for. Out of nowhere, you meet the person you can't see living your life without. Then an actual Mac truck hits you and rips your love away, taking your life right along with it. One moment she was there, the next I was left with my daughter and my newborn son. My daughter will only know her mother by the memories in her young mind and my son? He will never know her. He will never feel what's it's like to have the love of his mother because she was dead before he took his first breath. My love for my wife was replaced by anger. Anger that this was my life, anger that my children will grow up without her, anger that I asked her to join me the first day I met her, when I should have just sent her away. If I had sent her away, if I had kept to my plan, then she'd still be alive. She would be able to watch her own children grow, but I didn't and now she's gone. They say I'll move on. They say there's love after the pain. They say I'll learn to love again, but I can't. I can't give my heart to someone else when my wife took it with her.… (mere)
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I didn't want to fall in love. Love wasn't included in the plan I had laid out for myself. My plan was simple; go to school, graduate and become the most well-known corporate law attorney on the west coast. I had it all right in the palm of my hand until the day I heard her voice, saw her smile, and fell in love with the most gorgeous set of emerald eyes. Love hits you like a Mac truck and you're done for. Out of nowhere, you meet the person you can't see living your life without. Then an actual Mac truck hits you and rips your love away, taking your life right along with it. One moment she was there, the next I was left with my daughter and my newborn son. My daughter will only know her mother by the memories in her young mind and my son? He will never know her. He will never feel what's it's like to have the love of his mother because she was dead before he took his first breath. My love for my wife was replaced by anger. Anger that this was my life, anger that my children will grow up without her, anger that I asked her to join me the first day I met her, when I should have just sent her away. If I had sent her away, if I had kept to my plan, then she'd still be alive. She would be able to watch her own children grow, but I didn't and now she's gone. They say I'll move on. They say there's love after the pain. They say I'll learn to love again, but I can't. I can't give my heart to someone else when my wife took it with her.

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