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Iraq Since 1958: From Revolution to Dictatorship (1987)

af Marion Farouk-Sluglett

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53Ingen496,209 (3.3)1
In the West, the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990 and later Saddam Husain's political survival following a punishing defeat in war have been greeted with bewilderment and incomprehension. The history of politics in Iraq and the context which has given rise to Saddam Husayn's violent Ba'thist regime have been barely understood. This highly praised book is the first to explore the emergence of modern Iraq from its foundation in 1920 into the 21st century. It covers the period from the revolution in 1958, concentrating particularly on Saddam Husayn's rise to power and his consolidation as leader. It is the only political history of modern Iraq now available to provide a critical analysis of the Ba'thist regime which has ruled since 1968. The authors also explore the role and decline of the Iraqi Communist Party, the shifting policies towards the Kurds and the Shi'is, the nationalisation of oil and Iraq's relations with its neighbours. With the extensive revision and updatings of Peter Sluglett, they provide a stimulating analysis of the country's economy, now so drastically affected by international sanctions. --------------------- Real Promo blurb As the world holds its breath while the US-Iraq confrontation approaches its denouement, here is the definitive story of Saddam Husayn, his rise to power and the historical background to his dictatorship. This highly praised book explores the emergence of modern Iraq from the revolution in 1958 and concentrating on Saddam Husayn's rise to power and his consolidation as leader. The only political history of modern Iraq now available, it provides a critical analysis of the Ba'thist regime which has ruled since 1968. It explores the decline of the Iraqi Communist Party, the shifting policies towards the Kurds and the Shi'is, and Iraq's relations with its neighbours. Extensively updated by Peter Sluglett, it provides analysis of the country's economy, now so damaged by international sanctions. `This is an excellent, reasoned, historical analysis of Iraq, lucidly written, theoretically astute, empirically based, politically firm.' Fred Halliday `A very good book indeed' Albert Hourani --------------------------------- Author aff. The late Marion Farouk-Sluglett lectured in Middle Eastern Politics at the University College of Wales. Peter Sluglett is Professor of History at the University of Utah.… (mere)

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In the West, the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990 and later Saddam Husain's political survival following a punishing defeat in war have been greeted with bewilderment and incomprehension. The history of politics in Iraq and the context which has given rise to Saddam Husayn's violent Ba'thist regime have been barely understood. This highly praised book is the first to explore the emergence of modern Iraq from its foundation in 1920 into the 21st century. It covers the period from the revolution in 1958, concentrating particularly on Saddam Husayn's rise to power and his consolidation as leader. It is the only political history of modern Iraq now available to provide a critical analysis of the Ba'thist regime which has ruled since 1968. The authors also explore the role and decline of the Iraqi Communist Party, the shifting policies towards the Kurds and the Shi'is, the nationalisation of oil and Iraq's relations with its neighbours. With the extensive revision and updatings of Peter Sluglett, they provide a stimulating analysis of the country's economy, now so drastically affected by international sanctions. --------------------- Real Promo blurb As the world holds its breath while the US-Iraq confrontation approaches its denouement, here is the definitive story of Saddam Husayn, his rise to power and the historical background to his dictatorship. This highly praised book explores the emergence of modern Iraq from the revolution in 1958 and concentrating on Saddam Husayn's rise to power and his consolidation as leader. The only political history of modern Iraq now available, it provides a critical analysis of the Ba'thist regime which has ruled since 1968. It explores the decline of the Iraqi Communist Party, the shifting policies towards the Kurds and the Shi'is, and Iraq's relations with its neighbours. Extensively updated by Peter Sluglett, it provides analysis of the country's economy, now so damaged by international sanctions. `This is an excellent, reasoned, historical analysis of Iraq, lucidly written, theoretically astute, empirically based, politically firm.' Fred Halliday `A very good book indeed' Albert Hourani --------------------------------- Author aff. The late Marion Farouk-Sluglett lectured in Middle Eastern Politics at the University College of Wales. Peter Sluglett is Professor of History at the University of Utah.

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