ForlagsserierConvergences: Inventories of the Present

The anarchy of empire in the making of U.S. culture by Amy Kaplan 71 eksemplarer
At Home in the World: Cosmopolitanism Now by Timothy Brennan 16 eksemplarer
Chopin at the Boundaries: Sex, History, and Musical Genre by Jeffrey Kallberg 17 eksemplarer
The Decline and Fall of the Lettered City: Latin America in the Cold War by Jean Franco 24 eksemplarer
Dominance without Hegemony: History and Power in Colonial India by Ranajit Guha 47 eksemplarer
The Haunting of Sylvia Plath by Jacqueline Rose 166 eksemplarer
Inventing Ireland: The Literature of the Modern Nation by Declan Kiberd 208 eksemplarer
Irish Classics by Declan Kiberd 66 eksemplarer
Minotaur: Poetry and the Nation State by Tom Paulin 19 eksemplarer
Den muslimske Jesus Jesusord og fortællinger i islamisk litteratur by Tarif Khalidi 209 eksemplarer, 2 anmeldelser
Off Center: Power and Culture Relations Between Japan and the United States by Masao Miyoshi 6 eksemplarer
On human diversity : nationalism, racism, and exoticism in French thought by Tzvetan Todorov 96 eksemplarer, 1 anmeldelse
Opera: The Art of Dying by Linda Hutcheon 27 eksemplarer, 1 anmeldelse
Poetry and Pragmatism by Richard Poirier 25 eksemplarer
Reflections on Exile and Other Essays by Edward W. Said 334 eksemplarer
Secularism, Identity, and Enchantment by Akeel Bilgrami 28 eksemplarer
Seductions: Studies in Reading and Culture by Jane Miller 10 eksemplarer
Venice Desired by Tony Tanner 19 eksemplarer
The World Republic of Letters by Pascale Casanova 149 eksemplarer, 1 anmeldelse

