Football Folies

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This is a group that reads football books or likes football and watches football. I will ask questions like whats your favorite team or player and stuff like that. Feel free to join.

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Best team in football today16 ulæste / 16BradonK, april 2012
Favorite football books3 ulæste / 3BradonK, april 2012
Whats your favorite Nfl team?8 ulæste / 8BradonK, marts 2012
Thanksgivin football1 ulæst / 1BradonK, november 2011
AFC OR NFC7 ulæste / 7BradonK, november 2011
New York Jets2 ulæste / 2BradonK, november 2011
Green Bay Packers3 ulæste / 3BradonK, november 2011
Who will win in the AFC3 ulæste / 3BradonK, november 2011
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