Personer/FigurerGustavus Adolphus

People/Characters by cover

Værker (33)

1632 af Eric Flint
1634: The Baltic War af David Weber
The Age of Genius: The Seventeenth Century and the Birth of the Modern Mind af A. C. Grayling
Age of Kings af Charles Blitzer
Battles of the Great Commanders (A Marshall edition) af Anthony Livesey
Characters of the Reformation: historical portraits of 23 men and women and their place in the great religious revolution of the 16th century af Hilaire Belloc
The Cleaving of Christendom af Warren Carroll
De Dertigjarige Oorlog de allereerste wereldoorlog 1618-1648 af Dick Harrison
Drinking With Calvin and Luther!: A History of Alcohol in the Church af Jim West
Eyewitness Accounts of the Thirty Years War 1618-48 af Geoff Mortimer
Great Captains Unveiled af B. H. Liddell Hart
Great captains: The art of war in the campaigns of Alexander, Hannibal, Caesar, Gustavus Adolphus, Frederick the Great, and Napoleon af Theodore Ayrault Dodge
Gustav Adolf, Sverige och Trettioåriga kriget : historieskrivning och kult af Sverker Oredsson
Gustav II Adolf af Sverker Oredsson
Gustavus Adolphus af Michael Roberts
Gustavus Adolphus (Military Lives) af Trevor Nevitt Dupuy
Gustavus Adolphus and the Rise of Sweden (Men & Their Times) af Michael Roberts
Gustavus Adolphus the Great af Nils Ahnlund
Gustavus Adolphus: A History of the Art of War from its Revival After the Middle Ages to the End of the Spanish Succession War, with a Detailed Account of the Campaigns of the Great Swede, and of the Most Famous Campaigns of Turrenne, Conde, Eugene, and Marlborough af Theodore Ayrault Dodge
Gustavus Adolphus: The northern hurricane, af Sir George Fletcher MacMunn
Immortal Last Words: History's Most Memorable Dying Remarks, Deathbed Statements and Final Farewells af Terry Breverton
Infinitesimal: How a Dangerous Mathematical Theory Shaped the Modern World af Amir R. Alexander
The Lion of The North : A Tale of the Times of Gustavus Adolphus (Works of G. A. Henty) af G. A. Henty
Lützen 1632 af Richard Brzezinski
Oorlog, mijn arme schapen : een andere kijk op de Tachtigjarige Oorlog 1565-1648 af Ronald P. De Graaf
Peter The Great Part 2 Of 3 af Robert K. Massie
Scandinavia; a political history of Denmark, Norway and Sweden from 1513 to 1900 af R. Nisbet Bain
Sid Meier's Civilization V: Gods & Kings af Firaxis Games
The Thirty Years War af C. V. Wedgwood
The Thirty Years War: Europe's Tragedy af Peter H. Wilson
The Thirty Years' War af Geoffrey Parker
War, Diplomacy and Imperialism, 1618-1763 (Torchbooks) af Geoffrey Symcox
Who's Who in Military History: From 1453 to the Present Day af John Keegan