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The Turn of the Screw is s ghostly Gothic tale by Henry James. A masterpiece in ambivalence and the uncanny, The Turn of the Screw tells the story of a young woman who is hired as governess to two seemingly innocent children in an isolated country house. As the tale progresses she begins to see the ghost of her dead predecessor. Or does she? The story is so ambivalent and eerie, such a psychological thriller, that few can agree on exactly what takes place. James masters "the strange and sinister embroidered on the very type of the normal and easy" in this chilling Victorian classic.
pingdjip: A Dutch classic. Like The Turn of the Screw it's about restraining, silencing, suppressing a truth that nevertheless manifests itself in subtle ways. But unlike The Turn of the Screw it's actually a very good read.
LibrarythingEmily: The story was not so long but I still remember the story. It is very different from the real story but this difference makes it more haunted. I won't tell you if you should read it or not. But I can tell the person who doesn't read it will miss a lot.… (mere)
Det rör sig om en av världslitteraturens otäckaste berättelser. Otäck inte bara för att det som händer är otäckt utan för att man inte riktigt vet vad som händer – och har hänt.
Oplysninger fra den engelske Almen VidenRedigér teksten, så den bliver dansk.
'The Turn of the Screw' holds a unique place in the canon of Henry James's fiction. (Introduction)
This perfectly independent and irresponsible little fiction rejoices, beyond any rival on a like ground, in a conscious provision of prompt retort to the sharpest question that may be addressed to it. (Preface)
The story had held us, round the fire, sufficiently breathless, but except the obvious remark that it was gruesome, as, on Christmas Eve in an old house, a strange tale should essentially be, I remember no comment uttered till somebody happened to say that it was the only case he had met in which such a visitation had fallen on a child.
Oplysninger fra den engelske Almen VidenRedigér teksten, så den bliver dansk.
She was a magnificent monument to the blessing of a want of imagination...
Sidste ord
Oplysninger fra den engelske Almen VidenRedigér teksten, så den bliver dansk.
We were alone with the quiet day, and his little heart, dispossessed, had stopped.
Oplysninger fra den engelske Almen VidenRedigér teksten, så den bliver dansk.
Do not combine with any adaptions, films, etc. First published 1898, in 12 instalments in Collier's Weekly, later that year included in The Two Magics.
Forlagets redaktører
Oplysninger fra den engelske Almen VidenRedigér teksten, så den bliver dansk.
The Turn of the Screw is s ghostly Gothic tale by Henry James. A masterpiece in ambivalence and the uncanny, The Turn of the Screw tells the story of a young woman who is hired as governess to two seemingly innocent children in an isolated country house. As the tale progresses she begins to see the ghost of her dead predecessor. Or does she? The story is so ambivalent and eerie, such a psychological thriller, that few can agree on exactly what takes place. James masters "the strange and sinister embroidered on the very type of the normal and easy" in this chilling Victorian classic.
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