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Taylor Era by Era: The Unauthorized Biography

af Caroline Sullivan

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Celebrate the incredible career of pop music's biggest star in this sparkling biography. We're all living in the Taylor Swift Era. Since her 2006 debut album, she's sold more than 200 million records, sold out countless arenas, and become one of the most influential artists of her generation. Her Eras Tour is on track to gross more than $1 billion by the time it concludes in December 2024, and her most recent studio album hit No. 1 in more than 25 countries. In this revealing and entertaining biography, author and music journalist Caroline Sullivan charts Taylor's journey from budding country starlet to pop music phenomenon, encompassing her evolution as an artist, her high-profile relationships, and the stories behind her songs. Each of Taylor's Eras is explored in depth, detailing her influences, her collaborators and the aesthetics that have become such a crucial part of her performance. Spanning her entire career, this is the most complete portrait yet of one of the most popular artists on the planet.… (mere)
Nyligt tilføjet aferinclark

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This book gave some interesting information about Taylor Swift's early years in her life and career. I enjoyed that part of it. I am not a huge
Swifty fan like some of her fans out there, but I do appreciate her music and turn it up whenever it's on the radio. She is one talented woman. I found the statistics a bit repetitive of all the awards and billboard ratings a bit dull, not in to that so much. Still an interesting read. 3 stars. ( )
  erinclark | Jun 21, 2024 |
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Celebrate the incredible career of pop music's biggest star in this sparkling biography. We're all living in the Taylor Swift Era. Since her 2006 debut album, she's sold more than 200 million records, sold out countless arenas, and become one of the most influential artists of her generation. Her Eras Tour is on track to gross more than $1 billion by the time it concludes in December 2024, and her most recent studio album hit No. 1 in more than 25 countries. In this revealing and entertaining biography, author and music journalist Caroline Sullivan charts Taylor's journey from budding country starlet to pop music phenomenon, encompassing her evolution as an artist, her high-profile relationships, and the stories behind her songs. Each of Taylor's Eras is explored in depth, detailing her influences, her collaborators and the aesthetics that have become such a crucial part of her performance. Spanning her entire career, this is the most complete portrait yet of one of the most popular artists on the planet.

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