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Indlæser... The Little Prince (original 1943; udgave 2000)af Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (Forfatter), Richard Howard (Oversætter)
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One of the strangest books I've ever read. Mysterious. Antoine de Saint-Exupery is (was) like a French version of Richard Bach (American aviator and author of Jonathan Livingston Seagull), but much less silly and self-absorbed. ( ) While this is actually my first time reading it, I have two very sentimental memories attached to The Little Prince. The first is a hazy childhood memory of an animated version which I haven't yet tracked down. The other - and the most special - is from high school; I vividly remember sitting in the auditorium during a lunch break with my dear friend, Wendi, as she read a good chunk of it to me in French. Of course I didn't understand any of it, but between Wendi's expressive delivery and the charming illustrations, it was kind of magical. I reget to say that the experience of reading it finally in English wasn't quite as magical, but that is my own fault (and I haven't deducted stars for it). I STRONGLY recommend avoiding this cheap Wordsworth edition. I usually love these, but it doesn't do any justice to the illustrations. In fact some of them were horrifingly distorted; they're converted to black-and-white and are very low fidelity. It's not fun, don't do it. After sampling some of the audio versions, I also suspect there are better translations out there too. But, as for the story itself, it was charming and sweet, with a little whistful sadness, but it didn’t quite feel as deep as I was expecting. It was quite light, and there were several moments where I thought it was going to plumb some further philosophical depths, but it just kind of moved onto the next thing. This isn’t a criticism - I enjoyed how it would introduce themes and then let them be. It made for a delightful and digestible read. It’s clear why The Little Prince has captured imaginations the world over, but please do yourself a favor and get a copy in full-color with a good translation. Or even better, if possible, have one of your favorite people read it to you in French.
35 livres cultes à lire au moins une fois dans sa vie Quels sont les romans qu'il faut avoir lu absolument ? Un livre culte qui transcende, fait réfléchir, frissonner, rire ou pleurer… La littérature est indéniablement créatrice d’émotions. Si vous êtes adeptes des classiques, ces titres devraient vous plaire. De temps en temps, il n'y a vraiment rien de mieux que de se poser devant un bon bouquin, et d'oublier un instant le monde réel. Mais si vous êtes une grosse lectrice ou un gros lecteur, et que vous avez épuisé le stock de votre bibliothèque personnelle, laissez-vous tenter par ces quelques classiques de la littérature. "Il Piccolo Principe" è una di quelle letture che entrano nell'animo del lettore. Antoine de Saint- Exupéry con il suo stile semplice e poetico mette il lettore davanti ad una riflessione sul senso vero della vita e sull'importanza di coltivare i sentimenti. Una fiaba senza età e per ogni età, da leggere e rileggere. Vi segnaliamo la pagina del blog di Liberrima in cui parliamo del racconto dello scrittore francese: http://www.librerialiberrima.blogspot... Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, most metaphysical of aviators, has written a fairy tale for grownups. The symbolism is delicate and tenuous. It challenges man the adult, and deplores the loss of the child in man. "The Little Prince" is a parable for grown people in the guise of a simple story for children-a fable with delightful delicate pictures of the little Prince on his adventurings. It is a lovely story in itself hich covers a poetic, yearning philosophy- not the sort of fable that can be tacked down neatly at its four corners but rather reflections on what are real matters of consequence. Tilhører ForlagsserienIndeholdt iGesamtausgabe: Gesammelte Schriften in drei Bänden: Band 1 Südkurier, Nachtflug, Wind, Sand und Sterne, Flug nach Arras, Der Kleine Prinz, Band 2Die Stadt in der Wüste, Band 3 Kleinere Schriften und Briefe af Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Er genfortalt iHas the (non-series) sequelHar tilpasningenThe Graphic Canon of Children's Literature: The World's Greatest Kids' Lit as Comics and Visuals af Russ Kick Er forkortet iInspireretIndeholder elevguideHas as a teacher's guideHæderspriserNotable Lists
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