Seedlings and snow drops!


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Seedlings and snow drops!

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mar 12, 2010, 7:58 pm

I live in zone 4, one of the briefer growing seasons. My trusty snow drops popped up today. Right through the crusty snow! Oh, the joy. I'm very attached to those little guys.

What could be better? Brandywine seedlings popping up sunroom.

What kinds of stuff are you starting this year?

mar 12, 2010, 11:29 pm

Under lights in the basement I have artichoke and brussels sprouts seedlings. The peppers and celeriac aren't showing signs of life yet. I'll wait another week before starting anything else.

Outdoors (zone 3) is still pretty much under snow, but along the garage where the snow has melted there are daffodils just sticking up. Nowhere near blooming, though.

mar 20, 2010, 11:02 am

You Prairie girls will hate me, but here on the balmy coast of Vancouver Island, my daffodils are dancing merrily, some of my earlier tulips opened up yesterday (my tarda tulips have been out for awhile), my crocuses are already finished (very early this year, as I generally have them well into April). I sat outside the other day with several of my gardening books, planning two new beds of perennials. I lived for 24 years north of Calgary though, in the Chinook belt, so I truly understand the joys and woes of a short growing season.

mar 21, 2010, 8:00 pm

My tulips are starting to come up and there are some pretty white and purple drops of something in my neighbors yard! I have some flower seeds growing in my kitchen just waiting for the right day!

Redigeret: mar 22, 2010, 9:12 am

I vowed not to be lulled into a false sense of spring this year. This week's unseasonal warmth has challenged my resolve. Rather than rake the the mulch from the daffodils, or plant all sorts of stuff to be felled by inevitable frost...I took pictures of my tiny little basil plants

3: I may be green with envy, but could never begrudge such a lovely thing as early spring :)

mar 22, 2010, 12:39 pm

5> awww, so cute :) I love basil.

I planted more seeds under lights in the basement yesterday, but we woke up to more snow today, so glad I didn't do anything outdoors but a bit of pruning. It won't hurt the stuff outdoors that has started to come up (it wouldn't survive here if the odd snowfall bothered it - and we can get late snow well into May) and the snow was kind of pretty, the way it stuck to the trees and all.

mar 23, 2010, 9:25 am

6: Thanks! Your snow soften branches sound delightful. Don't they look magical?

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