Fforde World Merchandise

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Fforde World Merchandise

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feb 14, 2007, 12:21 pm

Two days ago, I was sitting in a health class when I saw that one of my classmates was wearing a top with the Cat on it. Owning a pair of socks with the character on it myself since I read Jasper Fforde's books, I couldn't help but wonder if she'd read his books, too, and was very tempted to ask. Do any of you have confessions to owning clothing, etc with characters featured in Fforde's books on them?

2lmmayo Første besked:
feb 23, 2007, 9:21 am

Not yet, but I'd wear something featuring Thursday Next.

I met someone in an airport one time because she was wearing a Stephanie Plum baseball cap (Janet Evanovich series). It was a cool experience to see a complete stranger and know we had something in common before we ever spoke.

Books are such a great icebreaker. I met my best friend over a Dean Koontz book we were both reading at our kids' baseball practice.