
SnakComposition and Rhetoric

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feb 10, 2007, 11:50 pm

Who all is going to C's this year? What/when are you presenting if you are going? Anyone attending ATTW as well?

feb 11, 2007, 2:39 pm

I wish I was attending. My proposal was accepted, but I decided that the trip would be too expensive. I hope that everyone else has a good time, though!!!

feb 16, 2007, 7:22 pm

I'm presenting at CCCC and also road-testing some arguments from my dissertation prospectus at RNF. I'll also be there waving the Composition Studies banner, though a snafu at NCTE prevented us from getting our usual booth in the exhibitors' hall. Our upcoming issue of CS is a special issue on the Writing Major--a hot topic these days.

I present at CCCC on Thursday at 10:30. My talk is entitled "Taking Action in the Face of Annihilation: Burke's 'Comic Circle' as a Way Out of the Shared Rhetorical Topoi of Bush and Bin Laden." Feel free come by and get your KB on.

feb 21, 2007, 12:49 pm

I'm presenting on Friday from 11-12:30. My talk: "White Teachers Writing About Race: Ethics and Obligations." That's coming up soon, isn't it??

Redigeret: mar 2, 2007, 9:36 pm

I'll be at the Research Networking Forum.

mar 9, 2007, 5:41 pm

I, too, will be at the RNF. I'll also be working the Parlor Press table Thursday afternoon.