Greetings.......and 77 books into it...

SnakNewbery Challenge

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Greetings.......and 77 books into it...

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aug 30, 2008, 1:53 pm

Greetings -
I'm glad to find this group. I have two young sons, one who is starting to read (and the other gets read to a lot). I want them to grow up with lots of good books around them, and decided the Newbery award was a pretty good filter. Then I decided to read them all myself. As of this post, I just completed reading the 77th one (
Thanks for creating this group - look forward to comparing notes with others who have taken on the Newbery Challenge!!


sep 17, 2008, 2:25 am

Well, just finished Dobry by Monica Shannon - 78 down (getting into the more obscure titles, it seems, as there were only 36 other Library Thing members with Dobry in their collection....


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