The English Pastoral Movement

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The English Pastoral Movement

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Redigeret: aug 28, 2008, 4:54 pm

Hi all, does anyone have any recommendations on books, articles or other media about what is loosely called the English Pastoral movement.

I am not sure what it encompasses yet but I am thinking of pastoral music, poetry (Silent Noon by Rossetti?), and even possibly some cultural & political overtones?

I think it stretches before 18th century and into early 20th century. But this group seems a decent place to start my quest.

You can see by my ignorance that I am in desperate need of resources...

aug 28, 2008, 5:04 pm

I've never heard of the English Pastoral movement but there have been other movements that incorporated aspects of the pastoral - the Romantics, the Pre-Raphaelites (of whom Rossetti was one), and the Arts & Crafts movement (usually linked with William Morris). It is probably harder to trace in the 20th century but many of the leading fantasists, i.e., Tolkien can be viewed as advocates of the pastoral.

okt 18, 2008, 10:26 pm

I don't know what constitutes the English Pastoral Movement in literature (although I would guess it might include authors like Thomas Hardy or Mary Webb, who wrote about rural life in England,) but I do know that in music the English Pastoral movement includes late 19th and early 20th century composers such as Ralph Vaughan Williams (The Lark Ascending) Gerald Finzi (Eclogue), Ivor Gurney and sometimes Gustav Holst

okt 19, 2008, 5:44 am

For what it's worth, Wikipedia doesn't identify it as a separate literary movement.

okt 19, 2008, 11:46 am

Thanks all - I think it clarifies a few things for me....

okt 19, 2008, 1:06 pm

This is from the Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms:

pastoral A highly conventional mode of writing that celebrates the innocent life of shepherds and shepherdesses in poems, plays, and prose romances . Pastoral literature describes the loves and sorrows of musical shepherds, usually in an idealized Golden Age of rustic innocence and idleness; paradoxically, it is an elaborately artificial cult of simplicity and virtuous frugality. The pastoral tradition in Western literature originated with the Greek idylls of Theocritus (3rd century BCE), who wrote for an urban readership in Alexandria about shepherds in his native Sicily. His most influential follower, the Roman poet Virgil, wrote eclogues ( 42 – 37 BCE ) set in the imagined tranquillity of Arcadia . In the 3rd century CE, the prose romance Daphnis and Chloe by Longus continued the tradition. An important revival of pastoral writing in the 16th century was led by Italian dramatists including Torquato Tasso and Battista Guarini , while long prose romances also appeared in other languages, notably Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia ( 1590 ) and Honoré d'Urfé's L'Astrée ( 1607 – 27 ).

English pastorals were written in several forms, from the eclogues of Edmund Spenser's The Shephearde's Calender ( 1579 ) and the comedy of Shakespeare's As You Like It ( c.1599 ) to lyrics like Marlowe's ‘The Passionate Sheepeard to his Love’ ( 1600 ). A significant form within this tradition is the pastoral elegy , in which the mourner and the mourned are represented as shepherds in decoratively mythological surroundings: the outstanding English example is John Milton's ‘Lycidas’ ( 1637 ). While most forms of pastoral literature died out during the 18th century, Milton's influence secured for the pastoral elegy a longer life: P. B. Shelley's ‘Adonais’ ( 1821 ) and Matthew Arnold's ‘Thyrsis’ ( 1867 ) are both elegiac imitations of ‘Lycidas’. By the late 18th century, pastoral poetry had been overshadowed by the related but distinct fashions for georgics and topographical poetry , and it came to be superseded by the more realistic poetry of country life written by George Crabbe , William Wordsworth , and John Clare . For a fuller account, consult Terry Gifford , Pastoral ( 1999 ).

How to cite this entry:
"pastoral" The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms. Chris Baldick. Oxford University Press, 2008. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Simon Fraser University. 19 October 2008

okt 24, 2008, 5:09 am

Hi Nickelini - thanks for your post. This gives me a great overview. It is really interesting - I want to read more about this now...