Romance Novel, HELP~

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Romance Novel, HELP~

maj 18, 2021, 7:04 pm

So I will be honest, I have been looking for this book for years.
My brain is now getting foggy but I must find it.

Its about a dark haired English girl who falls in love with a Spaniard, I'd out the year between 1700-1915 latest.
They have tons of hardships, this book is about 700 pages, think Spaniard Outlander minus the time travel.
The male leads brother falls in love with her and then dies in Spain from a bull fighting accident, he was amazing.
She gets kidnapped and falls out a window and flees on horse pregnant, she miscarries.

The book cover is a blonde man and dark haired woman locked in embrace, very harlequin style.

I thought it was called the rose and the thorn, publication is for sure the 80s, 90s.

maj 20, 2021, 11:38 am