Toni Morrison

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Toni Morrison

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aug 6, 2019, 5:36 pm

While the death of anyone after the age of 80 -- a goodly life span for ANY human -- can hardly be said to be unexpected, Toni Morrison's death, even at 88, will leave most bibliophiles saddened.

NOT that Morrison needed the exposure amongst us lovers of literature, but here's hoping LOA eventually get the chance to eventually include her in its hallowed halls. After all, anyone who wrote THE BLUEST EYE, SULA, SONG OF SOLOMON, TAR BABY and BELOVED, back to back to back (not to mention many others -- JAZZ, PARADISE, etc. -- after that), earned her way into literary "heaven" a long time ago. And she's definitely a major part of the U.S.'s literary identity.

aug 6, 2019, 6:44 pm

Last American Nobel winner (not counting Dylan). At her death perhaps only DeLillo, Pynchon, and McCarthy were anywhere close to her in reputation, but her impact was far greater than any of them. Novelist, yes, but a very significant editor and important essayist as well.

If I'm not mistaken she was on the LOA board at one point. I too wonder if there are plans already made. Meantime, Song of Solomon and Beloved are available in nice Everyman's editions.

aug 7, 2019, 4:03 am

There was also an earlier thread:

aug 7, 2019, 10:24 am

Pablo: Yeah, I remembered it AFTER I started this one (while in a blue funk). I was hoping no one would be OCD enough to notice, or anal enough to point it out. :) (That was typed in good humor). Wanna know what's worse? bsc20 pretty much reiterated what I had already pointed out in the first thread! LOL Ah, well. If ANY-one is worthy of two threads on the LOA subscribers forum, it's Toni Morrison.