Happy New Years!

Snak20-Something LibraryThingers

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Happy New Years!

Dette emne er markeret som "i hvile"—det seneste indlæg er mere end 90 dage gammel. Du kan vække emnet til live ved at poste et indlæg.

jan 1, 2008, 1:01 pm

Yay! Happy New Years everybody!

Does anyone have any reading or writing goals for this year? Oh shoot, you can share any type of New Years Resolution you like...

jan 1, 2008, 2:04 pm

Read 50 books and lose 50 lbs. I'm not kidding on either. Ever since I switched to theology I've gained way too much weight and wasn't reading enough outside or inside class, so here we go.

jan 1, 2008, 8:10 pm

My resolutions are read at least 50 books, stop buying so many, and do well in school. =)

jan 1, 2008, 10:03 pm

My resolutions are to relax, and to read more.

jan 2, 2008, 12:48 pm

I need to buy a bookcase and organize my books... perhaps after we build our house :-)

jan 4, 2008, 3:50 pm

I made three reading resolutions.

1) Read 5 really big books this year

2) Try 25 new authors

3) Read 25 additional books that have been languishing in my TBR pile for at least a year.

So that's at least 55 books I have to read this year and I made sure when I pre-selected the books I'm reading not to include any of the series I'm currently addicted to so I'm aiming for at least 70 books this year as opposed to my pathetic 48 last year.


jan 4, 2008, 4:09 pm

I have an 888 challenge going on in the group of that name--though mine is a 999 challenge (that is, nine books from each of nine categories (defined by me), with nine allowed to overlap for a total of 72 books).

My other resolution is to lose weight, move, and find a new job. I think I'll be busy...

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