Major announcement!!!

SnakHistory: On learning from and writing history

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Major announcement!!!

Dette emne er markeret som "i hvile"—det seneste indlæg er mere end 90 dage gammel. Du kan vække emnet til live ved at poste et indlæg.

Redigeret: jun 4, 2016, 4:07 pm

Ok, folks; you asked for it again and again, so finally I have gone out and set up something for your own personal enjoyment:

A Current Events Group

For years many of you have had no desire to talk about history but rather current events!!! That is obvious.

So, please join the group and help us get up and running!!!

jun 4, 2016, 8:04 pm

Mate, you're the one who keeps starting discussions about bloody Donald bloody Trump! I suppose if all mention of him can be quarantined to a discrete thread it can only be a public benefit.

In my view the whole point of studying history is that historical knowledge assists with understanding the present.

jun 5, 2016, 9:08 pm

Looks like a good group to join up on.

Thanks man; and well done!