H. Beam Piper Portrait

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H. Beam Piper Portrait

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Redigeret: okt 12, 2007, 12:08 am

The picture of H. Beam Piper on the group page is by artist Alan Gutierrez and is used by his kind permission. The original painting was commissioned by and is the possession of John F. Carr. Alan has also done the covers for Carr’s Kalvan sequels, which can be viewed at http://www.hostigos.com, along with several of his other works. You can also view Alan’s work at http://alangutierrez.com or http://www.podgallery.com/gutierrez/. I really like the picture and I am very pleased that Alan gave me permission to use it. I hope everyone agrees that it is an appropriate picture to use for this group.

okt 13, 2007, 5:21 pm

It's gorgeous. And the more I look the more I see. I love that kind of art, and the fact that it's about Piper makes it even more fun. Thanks for introducing me to this artist!

okt 16, 2007, 7:59 pm

I originally only noticed that Alan used the photo of Piper taken from Murder in the Gunroom. But as I looked at more closely I realized that it is full of wonderful detail.

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