Can someone explain this contest?

Snak100 Books in 2016 Challenge

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Can someone explain this contest?

Dette emne er markeret som "i hvile"—det seneste indlæg er mere end 90 dage gammel. Du kan vække emnet til live ved at poste et indlæg.

jan 23, 2016, 4:33 pm

This looked interesting, but although I've used LibraryThing as a non-profit for several years I've never participated in a group. Where are the rules for this contest? Is it any 100 books, or a specific list of books? How do you keep track? Thanks.

jan 23, 2016, 4:43 pm

I haven't figured it out yet so I am winging it. Goodreads has an excellent version of this which is much easier to figure out.

jan 23, 2016, 8:06 pm


There are no rules really. You can keep track by creating a list or go to and keep track that way. You can list your books, write a review/ thoughts on what you read and rate it. It's all up to you how you want to proceed. Its not really a contest though- there are no rewards. Its just a challenge, a place to motivate you to keep on reading and a place to share your thoughts on novels and get info on other novels that people are reading. Bona Fortuna!