Giller Prize Longlist Announced Sept. 11 2006

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Giller Prize Longlist Announced Sept. 11 2006

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Redigeret: okt 7, 2006, 7:16 am

The long list for the Giller Prize was announced on Monday. I'm listing the titles below. Please forgive any typos - I'll try to touchstone if I can.
The Friends of Meager Fortune by David Adams Richards
Pleased to Meet You by Caroline Adderson to be released Sept. 2006
The Garneau Block by Todd Babiak
Governor of the Northern Province by Randy Boyagoda released Aug. 2006
jPod by Douglas Coupland
The Famished Lover by Alan Cumyn released September 2006
De Niro's Game by Rawi Hage
Inside by Kenneth J. Harvey (to be released April 2007)
The Custodian of Paradise by Wayne Johnston released Sept. 2006
Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures by Vincent Lam
Stolen by Annette Lapointe released April 2006
The Perfect Circle by Pascale Quiviger released March 2006
The Immaculate Conception by Gaetan Soucy
The Hour of Bad Decisions by Russell Wangersky released May 2006
Home Schooling by Carol Windley to be released Fall 2006

Clearly there are some problems with the touchstones for many of these titles and authors. Any of the more savvy about Touchstones want to help me out? Do you see any typos? How do you replace the selection if it looks up and finds the wrong book (Inside and Immaculate Conception both came up with totally different book titles - I tried clicking on Others and nothing happened. I suppose I should check all of these authors to make sure that they are the correct ones. And I presume that the touchstones in Red mean it wasn't found in the LofC or Amazon listings - correct??
In any case, you can go to the website below to check out the longlist and see the correct Titles and Authors.

So jump in if you have any advice on the touchstones or better yet, if you have read any of these titles already. The Douglas Coupland one looks very interesting. Feel free to discuss and offer opinions on previous prize winners as well as the also rans. Lots of times I find the books that I like the best are the ones that made the list but didn't win.

Post Script
I went and had a look and some of these books have not been released so rather than have the touchstones take you to the wrong book, I've taken the brackets off of any selections that weren't linking correctly. Perhaps once these books reach the bookstores, they will be able to be linked to directly from here in the touchstones. For now, we'll just have to pop over the the Giller Prize page link above to get info on those books. Others that have been released just aren't coming up as the correct title so until I learn how to link to to get these to work like you can when you do a regular search, I won't be able to fix them, so I just took the brackets off to save confusion.
Thanks Warbrideslass

Redigeret: sep 13, 2006, 11:50 pm

Sadly, I haven't read any of them, yet.

The Garneau Block is on the local (Edmonton) Bestseller List. But Todd Babiak is a writer for the Edmonton Journal and The Garneau Block was serialized in the paper, so we may be a bit biased out here.

His next book will be serialized in the Journal also. I'm afraid I've forgotten the title.

I'm pleasantly surprised to see that there are copes of both of his books catalogued on LT already!

After all that, I really should go out and get a copy myself, lol!

sep 14, 2006, 12:06 am

So I take it you live in or near Edmonton? One of my dearest friends lives there. She's on LT as well as 'shinycandy' so if you see her say HI!! LOL I'm so excited after reading some of the writeups of these books. They look great to say the least and now I need to go out and get a copy of that novel that was sort of the story of Joey Smallwood's life because apparently, The Custodian of Paradise is based on a character from the previous book. And I hate it when I read books in the wrong order. I need to start at the beginning and read start to finish.
I've been trying to stick to the second hand book store lately because I read so fast that it gets very expensive. But since I've been so good lately (only bought 3 new books last month and they were on sale at Chapters) that I may buy one of these new so that I can read along.

okt 7, 2006, 2:30 am

Thanks for the list, I've been out of the country travelling and didn't even know that some of these books had been published. I will be going out to buy Caroline Adderson's Pleased to meet you tomorrow. I have two of her earlier books and liked them both.

Touchstones seem to work now, guess the books needed to be in the system. Two copies of Pleased to meet you have been entered in LT so far.

okt 7, 2006, 7:07 am

Nope, touchstone's still aren't working on Kenneth Harvey's book Inside - probably because it isn't to be released until spring of 2007, and a couple of others also don't work - The Famished Lover, the Custodian, and Pleased to meet you still don't come up in the first post. Hmmm but why is it finding yours when you touchstone it. I'll have to go back and look at that.