Savas Beatie

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Savas Beatie

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sep 23, 2014, 10:32 pm

Savas Beatie has published quite a few books about the Civil War, but I am not familiar with them. I would appreciate some opinions about their books.

Redigeret: okt 26, 2014, 11:40 am

Savas Beatie has some very good battle atlases that provide fiendishly detailed maps of each period of the battle, sometimes every fifteen minutes. Cf. The Maps of First Bull Run. They also publish a variety of other Civil War titles. Their books have high production values but somewhat deficient editing. The books are very solid and well printed, the illustrations are well-placed and clear, but the texts are often full of misspellings, grammatical errors, and other solecisms. They suggest too much reliance on spellcheck in place of good text editing.