What is this children's book?

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What is this children's book?

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Redigeret: jul 24, 2014, 8:03 am

Any anyone tell me what this delightful book is?

jul 24, 2014, 9:50 am


Seems to be a book about the Cultural Revolution in China by Hou Kokuryou (彭, 国良, ホウ, コクリョウ) published in 1975.

jul 24, 2014, 2:02 pm

Oh I just realised that this book was printed Traditional Chinese. Or was it in Japanese?


jul 24, 2014, 2:33 pm

I don't know if it is Japanese or Chinese. It seems to be a children's book. When you open it on the top of the left page are a few words and then the two pages have pictures of children doing various things.

jul 24, 2014, 4:37 pm

The title 紅小兵 is Chinese and then right above it you have the reading of the characters in Japanese: ホンシャオピン (HonChaoPin). Perhaps you have a Japanese edition with furigana over the Chinese words for pronunciation?

jul 24, 2014, 6:21 pm

Would it help if I scanned some of the other pages?

Redigeret: sep 4, 2014, 9:48 pm

> It would help if you scan the title page, that is to say the page that has the name of the publisher + place of publication on it. In Chinese books this os sometimes behind the socalled title page (as in Western books), but sometimes it is at the back of a book.

According to Chinese wikipedia, 紅小兵 "Hong Xiao Bing" ("Red Little Soldier" was a booklet used in primary and secondary schools to induce students into becoming "little" Red Guards.

But the cover of your book looks a bit too "tame' for that.

Redigeret: sep 10, 2014, 3:21 pm

>7 edwinbcn: Here it is

sep 10, 2014, 3:53 pm

Not very informative in knowing what the book is "about," but here's some links.

WorldCat Link-

Links to places selling the Chinese version-

The Japanese version-

sep 10, 2014, 4:57 pm

>7 edwinbcn: Yes, it is quite tame. About as tame as our early Dick and Jane books.

sep 14, 2014, 10:04 am

Yes, clearly published in Beijing, China, in 1875 by the Foreign Language Press.

Japanese edition of a book published in many langauge versions.

According to kongfz.com (listed above) it has some collector's value, priced around 40 Chinese yuan.

sep 14, 2014, 3:09 pm

What is 40 Chinese yuan in ballpark figures? Mostly I just want to know title??? Something about it.