Just added a cover for BiCB 38

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Just added a cover for BiCB 38

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apr 29, 2014, 6:31 pm

Just had to let you all know! These little books are becoming a lot harder to find, so I was tickled to get a dj copy of number 38. I am the first person to put an image on LT of good ol' 38.

The store I got it at has some of its BiCBs on a special illustrators' shelf...because Andy Warhol illustrated some of them. The proprietress of Westside Books in Denver is the first person I've met who has noticed these books, and it was quite enjoyable for us both to talk about them.

mar 24, 2015, 12:55 am

And today I added a cover for BiCB 19A Best in Children's Books 19A.

I'm feeling tickled I only need one more book, and I will have a complete set - my first complete set of any series, in fact. It helps that there are only 45 books.