piers ploughman

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piers ploughman

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apr 17, 2013, 4:15 am

Does anyone here have a recommendation for a dual-language edition (Middle and Modern English) Piers Ploughman? I'm not quite confident enough in my Middle English to read it without translation. A verse translation would be preferable.

Thank you.

Redigeret: jul 4, 2016, 10:45 pm

I know your question is 3 years old, but I'm a newbie here. If you haven't already run across it, here is a beautiful edition that meets your criteria. It's a little pricey, though.


It is a reprint of the less pricey W. W. Norton edition of 2006.

jul 5, 2016, 9:59 pm

Thank you for the recommendation! I actually haven't read it yet. Been meaning to...