Nov 2012 -What Have You Read?

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Nov 2012 -What Have You Read?

Dette emne er markeret som "i hvile"—det seneste indlæg er mere end 90 dage gammel. Du kan vække emnet til live ved at poste et indlæg.

Redigeret: dec 16, 2012, 5:18 am

A great read for the last day of November: Kept in the Dark, a creepy, but well written debut novel by Penny Hancock.

dec 1, 2012, 10:46 am

This month I tried two new-to-me authors with Elly Griffiths' The Janus Stone and Mo Hayder's Ritual.

While I enjoyed the former, I didn't care enough for the protagonist to keep going with the series -- the way the whole baby-daddy drama dominated the book turned me off -- but I loved the latter and am now planning to loop back and read the rest of Hayder's Jack Cafferty series in order.

dec 3, 2012, 2:14 am

I've recently read Adrian McKinty's Falling Glass (a stand alone, with a cameo from his Michael Forsythe character), which was enjoyable, but the true find was The Cold, Cold Ground, the first in a new series about a Catholic cop in 1981 Northern Ireland; really good stuff.

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