The "I Need a Boost" thread

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The "I Need a Boost" thread

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nov 2, 2012, 11:00 am

As the official cheerleader, I'm here to prop you up and help cheer you along.

Sometimes, this means you need help. And that's what I'm here for and what this thread is for.

If you need help with anything writing related (and only writing related *ahem*) post here and I'll see what I can do to boost spirits, open dictionaries, or whatever else is needed.

nov 2, 2012, 11:25 am

It's hardest, I think, to get others to take you seriously. I have prepared food for the family for the next couple of days so I don't have to think of what to feed them. And sometimes, I think it's me that is the one who really needs to be convinced that it is okay to spend so much time on something that seems so elusive! Anyway, back to work.

nov 3, 2012, 5:50 am

#2 I completely understand - hubby seems to understand that I am doing this cos I love it, but I end up trying to write through a massive funk of guilt that I've stuck him with the kids :/

nov 10, 2012, 10:55 am

That is an attachment of your inner editor! Guilt is part of his/her evil plot to stop your fun!

Lock it back in the closet beneath the bowling ball!

nov 10, 2012, 12:06 pm

My problem is that I have other things to write. I have a powerpoint presentation due on Tuesday. I need to two essays for two different colleges. I need to write a procedure for my science fair project. I'm glad that's due Dec 7? I think. I'm being destracted by other shiny things as well.

Sigh. I guess I should've know something like this was bound to happen when I signed up for NaNo senior year.

nov 13, 2012, 9:46 am

Okay, tips for overwhelmed with projects:
Establish a time table, prioritize, maybe by placing a block of NaNo between the other projects as they are due.

Power point, 15 minutes NaNo, Essay 1, NaNo, Essay 2, ... You see what I'm saying. Break the druggery with fun! :>

nov 15, 2012, 12:47 pm

Help help help. Stressed stressed stressed :(

I had a stupidly stressful weekend and didn't have a chance to write much. Since then I'm just fighting all the time - by the time I get home from work and have dealt with the kids for a few hours then gotten them to bed I am beyond exhaustion (just not caught up from the weekend) and I'm having such problems wiritng I get even more stressed. Not conducive (sp?) to free writing.

Sorry - just needed to vent before I go try and work out what mess my characters have gotten themselves into now...

nov 15, 2012, 1:18 pm

Ah, tips of the day:

First, take a breath. Nothing is worth the stress that will kill you in the long run.
Second, does the paying job offer breaks? Maybe use a little time in there to scribble a few words. I used to keep a Word doc open in the background, so when I got a spare moment, I could write. Saved me at least two NaNo's.
Third, could you get up a little earlier and write before work, rather than waiting until after the stress has descended? That might help.

Oh, and the thread is hear for venting, so have at it. :>

nov 20, 2012, 11:07 am

Good tips, gilroy.

Also, BekkaJo, are there little ways you can save time – perhaps cook two things at one time and stick the other in the freezer so you don't have to cook all the time. Or make a game of your writing with your kids – who can be quiet the longest or maybe they can focus on a game or homework while you write? (Don't know how old the children are, so this would change accordingly.)

Best of luck!

nov 20, 2012, 11:15 am

Lol - thanks but my little one is only 21 months... he's not good at the quiet thing. Plus is in the process of dropping all naps at nursery so is truly a grot for me in the afternoon.

I really am sorry for whinging - it's one of those times when everything in life is stressful and this is stressful but I love it and don't want to drop it. Plus it is actually achievable whereas the rest of stress doesn't have an end date! :)

nov 21, 2012, 12:19 pm

Oh, yeah, that's too young to focus on activities for very long. Sorry! And it's OK to whine every now and then – just gotta get it out of the system. :)

nov 21, 2012, 12:51 pm

I got round it all by missing out a big chunk (which I am now trying to fill in) and cutting to them hanging off the edge of the golden gate bridge. Nothing like a bit of tension to get the creative juices flowing!