conference talk


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conference talk

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apr 5, 2012, 9:53 am

Giving my first conference lecture/workshop on Saturday. Have been offered the opportunity to sign and sell copies of my novels after the talk but don't know how many I shall be speaking to. You'd think after 10 talks I'd be relaxed about it but it feels like a step up from those I have been giving to local groups.
Coming off librarything for the weekend to concentrate on a short story for a competition. Back next week. Happy Easter!

apr 5, 2012, 2:40 pm

Best of luck.

I feel like I should say 'break a leg', but perhaps that's not quite the thing ...

apr 8, 2012, 5:52 am

Only had four in the audience so we had a very relaxed and cosy time. We played some imagery games and afterwards sales to people attending the conference made it worth going. I think I have found my niche although I was getting nagged to put my books on Kindle. I tried looking on Librarything for the person who nagged most and his e-book doesn't appear. I'm going to check up on his website next. The mystery deepens! The short story is ready to post and I'm putting a poem on my wordpress blog. I may even try to put it on my profile page. I see some people have really long pages.

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