How many Newberry books have you read?

SnakNewbery Challenge

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How many Newberry books have you read?

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jan 8, 2011, 5:41 pm

I would like to read all the Newbery Medal winner and honor books from 1922 to present. So far I have read 74 of them so I have a ways to go. I am currently reading Ginger Pye, the Newbery books are not usually the primary books I read but I usually have one going at all times. Sometimes I read them with my boys recently we just finished Mrs Frisby and the Rats of Nimh. This was a re-read for me but he loved it and we are now reading Rasco and the Rats of Nimh.

Has anyone in the group read all of them yet?

jan 8, 2011, 5:46 pm

I've read 98 so far.

jan 8, 2011, 5:52 pm

I've been working on just the medal winners and I've read 57 so far. I need to get back to reading them!

jan 9, 2011, 8:35 am

It seems like I go in spurts. Since I read multiple books at a time I have decided that one of those will always be a Newbery. At the rate I read them last year I think I added more to read when the new winners came out then I actually read for the year.

feb 1, 2011, 9:09 pm

I'm onlly at 27.

I'm reading Lyddie by Katherine Paterson now, and I thought it was a Newbery, but it's not (her others are)

Redigeret: feb 5, 2011, 4:03 pm

I read 25 of the winners/honor books as a kid (up to about 1982) and in the past couple of years I've read 11 of the medal winners with the idea that I'd like to read them all. I probably will eventually, completist that I am, but looking over the full list again, I'm seeing a lot of titles that really don't look that interesting, esp. the biographies.

I'm looking forward to reading the threads for some of the titles that I remember passing up time and time again in the library as a kid because they looked "too boring" (The Wheel on the School, The Twenty-One Balloons, Island of the Blue Dolphins ...) I may have missed some great books!

maj 20, 2011, 11:45 am

I have read 16 of the medal winners so far. My kids and I started this challenge about a year and a half ago, however, I'm kicking their butts!! :)

I would suggest to you, madhatter22, that you rethink those bios. "Lincoln: A Photobiography" was very good, and it was a pretty easy read. I finished it in a weekend. The pictures were outstanding, and there were some really great facts that I didn't know about Lincoln. However, being a Southerner, I recognized immediately that someone from the North wrote this book!

Look forward to chatting with many of you-- Good luck to you all!

maj 22, 2011, 7:18 pm

I second the recommendation about the Lincoln book. I really enjoyed it as well.

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