Emblemer til gilroy

Se WikiThing siden for mere information omkring Hjælper emblemer.

guld Adding to Awards for adding works to the Honors and Awards system (1,188)

guld Awards and Honors for contributing to the Honors and Awards system (3,533)

guld Almen viden for bidrag til almen viden (17,396)

guld Omslagssanitør for at hejse alarmflag ved upassende eller fejlanbragte omslag (139)

guld Distinkte forfattere for at dele navnefæller op i distinkte forfattere (151)

guld Group Flagging for flagging groups as spam (236)

guld Hjælper for bidrag til alle dele af LibraryThing (44,317)

guld New Series for contributions to the series system. (13,337)

guld Spam-medlem-markering for at markere medlemmer som spammere (1,165)

guld Talk Spam-Fighting for flagging spam talk posts (703)

guld Afstemning: forside fejlmarkering for at have stemt på forside fejlmarkeringer (1,449)

guld Voting: Helpers for voting on tag combination, picture flagging, cover flagging, work spam and unspamming and tag translations (49,719)

guld Afstemning: nøgleordssammenlægninger for at have stemt på nøgleordssammenlægninger (44,186)

guld Afstemning: spam-værker for at have stemt om spam-værker (4,010)

guld Work Author Editing for improving work authors (621)

guld Værkkombinering for at hjælpe med at vedligeholde LibraryThings værksystem (15,951)

guld Værk-sammenhæng for at tilføje sammenhænge mellem værker (633)

guld Værkopdeling for at hjælpe med at vedligeholde LibraryThings værksystem (3,742)

sølv Forfatterkombinering for at hjælpe med at kombinere forfatteres navne (463)

sølv Award Creation and Combination for adding to or combining awards within the Honors and Awards system (60)

sølv Combination Opportunity for combinations and other help on combination opportunities (441)

sølv Omslagsbidrag for at bidrage med bogomslag som andre medlemmer kan bruge (328)

sølv Description Flaggers for helping to flag wrong or imperfect work description (60)

sølv Oprydder for at indrapportere rettede fejl (11)

sølv Link Tilføjelse for at have tilføjet web links (186)

sølv Rating Recommendations for helping to improve work and author recommendations (578)

sølv Nøgleordskombinering for at hjælpe med at vedligeholde LibraryThings nøgleordssystem (469)

sølv Arrangementsadressering for at hjælpe med at matche arrangementer og adresser (182)

bronze Forfatteropponenter for at hjælpe med at undgå dårlige forfatterkombineringer (22)

bronze Award Organizations for adding organizations to the Honors and Awards system (11)

bronze Boghandler for at føje nye boghandler og festivaler til LibraryThing Lokalt (15)

bronze Afstemning: billede fejlmarkering for at have stemt på fejlmarkering af billeder (72)

bronze Afstemning: værk beskrivelser for at have stemt på værk beskrivelser (86)

bronze Værk spam-markering for at markere værker som mulig spam (66)

medalje CoverGuess for at spille CoverGuess-spillet

medalje Explorer for helping to link venues and sources

medalje Pirat kiste for deltagelse i LibraryThing Skattejagten 2014SUB3>

medalje Corsair Coffer for participating in the 2016 LibraryThing Treasure Hunt

medalje Looters Locker for participating in the 2017 LibraryThing Treasure Hunt

medalje Lovers Lockbox for participating in the 2018 Valentine's Day Hunt

medalje Golden Egg for participating in the 2018 Egg Hunt

medalje Slik Udmærkelse for deltagelse i Allehelgensspøgeri i 2018

medalje Gyldne Pære for deltagelse i LibraryThings Tolv Juledage i 2018

medalje Courting Casket for participating in the 2019 Valentine's Day Hunt

medalje Librarians Locker for participating in the 2019 National Library Week Treasure Hunt

medalje Regnbue for deltagelse i Pride Skattejagten i 2019

medalje Privateer's Plunder for participating in the 2019 Talk Like A Pirate Day Treasure Hunt

medalje Pumpkin Pie for participating in the 2019 Halloween Hunt

medalje Rogue's Rose for participating in the 2020 Valentine's Day Hunt

medalje Seedling Badge for participating in the 2020 Spring Treasure Hunt

medalje Pride Flag for participating in the 2020 Pride Treasure Hunt

medalje Lucky Lobster for participating in the 2020 Maine Treasure Hunt

medalje Nest Badge for participating in the 2021 Children's Literature Treasure Hunt

medalje Corsair's Crossbones for participating in the 2020 Pirate Treasure Hunt

medalje Pride Flag for participating in the 2021 LGBTQ Pride Month Treasure Hunt

medalje Cucurbit Cockade for participating in the 2021 Halloween Hunt

medalje Toxophily Token for participating in the 2022 Valentine's Treasure Hunt

medalje Pride Penguin for participating in the 2022 Pride Treasure Hunt

medalje Ghost Badge for participating in the 2022 Halloween Hunt

medalje Honorary Heart for participating in the 2023 Valentine's Treasure Hunt

medalje Poetry Pen for participating in the 2023 Poetry Month Hunt

medalje Pride Pin for participating in the 2023 Pride Treasure Hunt

medalje Commemorative Cake for participating in the 2023 LibraryThing Birthday Hunt

medalje Jovial Jack-o'-Lantern for participating in the 2023 Halloween Hunt

medalje Fiver for members who've been on the site for five years

medalje Tenner for members who've been on the site for ten years

medalje Fifteener for members who've been on the site for fifteen years