Controversial Books for TerryAustrew

This page shows the most "controversial" books in this library, as measured by the highest standard deviation of members' star ratings.

Standard Deviation Average Rating Your Rating Titel
1.322 3.52 Who Needs God af Harold S. Kushner
1.25 3.67 The Future of Man af Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
1.24 3.63 On Being a Christian af Hans Küng
1.237 3.52 Jesus Before Christianity af Albert Nolan
1.199 4.1 Awareness af Anthony De Mello
1.189 3.63 Soul Cravings af Erwin Raphael McManus
1.187 3.94 Cosmic Christmas af Max Lucado
1.183 3.73 John Paul the Great: Remembering a Spiritual Father af Peggy Noonan
1.179 3.36 Den målrettede menighed : vækst uden at gå på kompromis med budskabet og opgaven af Rick Warren
1.175 3.71 Can You Drink the Cup? af Henri J. M. Nouwen
1.167 3.19 Den tiende indsigt : hold visionen i live af James Redfield
1.144 3.48 A Pilgrim's Journey: The Autobiography of St. Ignatius of Loyola af Ignatius of Loyola
1.138 3.73 Pierced By A Sword af Jr. Bud MacFarlane
1.126 3.65 The Summer of Katya af Trevanian
1.12 3.73 In His Steps af Charles M. Sheldon
1.118 3.49 Bibelen har alligevel ret : udgravninger beviser dens historiske sandhed af Werner Keller
1.098 4.23 Catechism of the Catholic Church af Catholic Church
1.09 3.27 Everyman and Other Miracle and Morality Plays af James Jennings
1.083 3.91 The Power of a Praying Woman af Stormie Omartian
1.078 3.92 Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah af Richard Bach
1.072 3.58 The Great Gatsby (Penguin Critical Studies Guide) af Kathleen Parkinson
1.072 3.84 Practical Mysticism af Evelyn Underhill
1.069 3.39 Called Out of Darkness: A Spiritual Confession af Anne Rice
1.065 3.84 Perelandra af C. S. Lewis
1.064 3.64 Good News for Modern Man: The New Testament in Today's English Version af American Bible Society
1.058 4.01 Christian Liberty af Martin Luther
1.058 4.04 Catholic Christianity: A Complete Catechism of Catholic Church Beliefs Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church af Peter Kreeft
1.057 3.51 Becoming a Contagious Christian af Bill Hybels
1.056 3.43 Women, Food and God: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything af Geneen Roth
1.054 3.26 Hooking Up af Tom Wolfe
1.052 3.66 No Longer a Slumdog: Bringing Hope to Children in Crisis af K. P. Yohannan
1.049 3.29 What the Gospels Meant af Garry Wills
1.048 3.78 Den frygtelige kraft af C. S. Lewis
1.048 3.21 The Passover Plot af Hugh J. Schonfield
1.044 3.78 St. Francis of Assisi af G.K. Chesterton
1.037 3.3 Tsar af Ted Bell
1.036 3.96 Waking the dead : the glory of a heart fully alive af John Eldredge
1.035 3.56 Troldmandens lære : tyve lektioner i at skabe det liv du ønsker af Deepak Chopra
1.034 3.94 The Lord and His Prayer af N. T. Wright
1.031 3.87 Unafraid af Francine Rivers
1.03 3.64 The Moviegoer af Walker Percy
1.029 4.1 Kristi Efterfølgelse af Thomas : von Kempen
1.028 4 The Practice of the Presence of God af Brother Lawrence
1.026 3.56 Robinson Crusoe af Daniel Defoe
1.021 3.53 Why I Am a Catholic af Garry Wills
1.013 3.36 Jesus Christ and Mythology af Rudolf Bultmann
1.011 4.17 Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church af United States Conference ...
1.01 4.05 The Dark Night of the Soul af St. John of the Cross
1.005 3.9 Don Camillo's Dilemma af Giovannino Guareschi
1 3.5 Dictionary of Saints af John J. Delaney
0.999 3.64 The Little Flowers of St. Francis af Saint Francis of Assisi
0.999 3.88 Conceived Without Sin af Bud Macfarlane Jr.
0.998 4.08 Comrade Don Camillo af Giovannino Guareschi
0.993 3.54 Papal Sin: Structures of Deceit af Garry Wills
0.992 4.07 Constantine's Sword: The Church and the Jews -- A History af James Carroll
0.99 3.93 Crossing the Threshold of Hope af John Paul II
0.989 3.68 The Grace and Truth Paradox: Responding with Christlike Balance af Randy Alcorn
0.988 3.64 Know Why You Believe af Paul E. Little
0.988 3.79 God's Fool: The Life of Francis of Assisi af Julien Green
0.988 3.94 The Seven Storey Mountain af Thomas Merton
0.984 3.41 New Testament Survey af Merrill C. Tenney
0.983 4.22 The Poems of St. John of the Cross af Saint John of the Cross
0.98 4.27 Tear Soup: A Recipe for Healing After Loss af Pat Schwiebert
0.978 4.15 A Year with C. S. Lewis: Daily Readings from His Classic Works af C. S. Lewis
0.978 4.02 Out of Solitude: Three Meditations on the Christian Life af Henri J. M. Nouwen
0.978 4.16 Et lykkeligt Liv, af H. P. S. Overs. efter "The Christians secret of a happy life" af Hannah Whitall Smith
0.971 4.28 Breaking Free: Making Liberty in Christ a Reality in Life af Beth Moore
0.971 3.98 Catholic Matters af Richard John Neuhaus
0.97 3.96 Den enkle vej af Mother Teresa
0.97 3.84 Fra den tavse Planet af C. S. Lewis
0.963 3.81 Child of the Northern Spring af Persia Woolley
0.961 3.77 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight af Gawain Poet
0.96 4.01 The Last Temptation of Christ af Nikos Kazantzakis
0.96 3.4 Machine Dreams af Jayne Anne Phillips
0.958 4.35 The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language af Eugene H. Peterson
0.957 3.86 Hesten og drengen af C. S. Lewis
0.957 3.78 John Brown's Body af Stephen Vincent Benét
0.956 3.95 Overvældet af glæde af C. S. Lewis
0.955 3.94 RISE, Let Us Be on Our Way af John Paul II
0.954 4.03 The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a Life of Faith af Marcus J. Borg
0.948 3.91 Back To The Sources: Reading the Classic Jewish Texts af Barry W. Holtz
0.945 4.04 The Abolition of Man af C. S. Lewis
0.942 4.03 Odysseen af Homer
0.941 4.12 The Day Christ Died af Jim Bishop
0.938 3.92 Troldmandens nevø af C. S. Lewis
0.938 4.15 The New Jerome Biblical Commentary af Joseph A. Fitzmyer
0.938 3.95 The Divine Milieu af Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
0.934 3.99 Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas af Dietrich Bonhoeffer
0.934 3.65 Acedia & Me: A Marriage, Monks, and a Writer's Life af Kathleen Norris
0.931 4.04 Saint Thomas Aquinas: The Dumb Ox af G.K. Chesterton
0.93 4.13 The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth af Scott Hahn
0.93 3.83 Mary Through the Centuries: Her Place in the History of Culture af Jaroslav Pelikan
0.926 3.84 Lit: A Memoir af Mary Karr
0.923 4.13 Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible: Complete and Unabridged af Matthew Henry
0.922 3.88 Sølvstolen af C. S. Lewis
0.921 3.98 Mother Teresa: In My Own Words af Mother Teresa
0.921 4.13 A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Other Stories af Flannery O'Connor
0.92 4.2 Middlemarch af George Eliot
0.916 3.44 Saint Augustine af Garry Wills
0.916 3.62 The Reformation af Owen Chadwick
0.911 4.26 Det er kristendom af C. S. Lewis
0.911 3.94 The Problem of Pain af C. S. Lewis
0.91 3.87 Prins Caspian af C. S. Lewis
0.906 4.03 Morgenvandrerens rejse af C. S. Lewis
0.906 4.04 Don Camillo and His Flock af Giovannino Guareschi
0.904 3.92 The Story of English af Robert McCrum
0.903 3.94 The Complete Father Brown Stories af G.K. Chesterton
0.903 3.9 A Glossary of Literary Terms af M. H. Abrams
0.902 3.79 What the Bible Is All About af Henrietta C. Mears
0.901 3.76 Streets of Laredo af Larry McMurtry
0.899 4.13 Gulag øhavet af Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
0.896 3.83 What Jesus Meant af Garry Wills
0.895 4.3 The Gospel of Life: Evangelium Vitae af John Paul II
0.894 4.04 Just Like Jesus af Max Lucado
0.893 4.03 The Four Loves af C. S. Lewis
0.89 4.22 Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold af C. S. Lewis
0.886 3.82 Night Sky af Clare Francis
0.885 3.96 Found af Margaret Peterson Haddix
0.885 3.4 Critical Terms for Literary Study af Frank Lentricchia
0.884 4.12 What Is the Point of Being a Christian? af Timothy Radcliffe
0.884 3.74 Don't Know Much About the Bible: Everything You Need to Know About the Good Book but Never Learned af Kenneth C. Davis
0.884 4.22 A Severe Mercy af Sheldon Vanauken
0.883 3.96 The Wounded Healer: Ministry in Contemporary Society af Henri J. M. Nouwen
0.882 4.17 Don Camillos lille verden af Giovannino Guareschi
0.87 4.12 Hjertets enkle vej : ørkenens spiritualitet i nutidig praksis af Henri J. M. Nouwen
0.865 4.01 Et liv som elsket af Henri J. M. Nouwen
0.865 3.65 Kitchen Privileges : A Memoir af Mary Higgins Clark
0.862 3.8 The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible af A. J. Jacobs
0.858 4.21 The Challenge of Jesus: Rediscovering Who Jesus Was and Is af N. T. Wright
0.856 3.95 Reflections on the Psalms af C. S. Lewis
0.855 4.51 The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross af Saint John of the Cross
0.852 3.89 Tabernes evangelier af Elaine Pagels
0.85 3.55 Gideon's Corpse af Douglas Preston
0.849 4 A Father Who Keeps His Promises: God's Covenant Love in Scripture af Scott Hahn
0.842 4.16 En sorgens dagbog : C.S. Lewis' optegnelser ved sin hustrus død af C. S. Lewis
0.84 3.6 Justice: Crimes, Trials, and Punishments af Dominick Dunne
0.835 3.98 From Beirut to Jerusalem af Thomas L. Friedman
0.833 3.95 Contemplative Prayer af Thomas Merton
0.832 3.67 Joshua and the Children af Joseph F. Girzone
0.829 3.99 The Chaneysville Incident af David Bradley
0.823 4.08 Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? af Philip Yancey
0.821 4.12 Latin: An Introductory Course Based on Ancient Authors af Frederic M. Wheelock
0.82 3.99 Kvinderne på Brewster Place af Gloria Naylor
0.82 3.72 Adam, Eve, and the Serpent: Sex and Politics in Early Christianity af Elaine Pagels
0.817 4.11 The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart af Peter J. Gomes
0.815 3.89 Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer af C. S. Lewis
0.808 4.23 Peace Pilgrim: Her Life and Work in Her Own Words af Peace Pilgrim
0.795 4.12 Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama af X. J. Kennedy
0.788 4.2 The Pilgrim's Regress / Christian Reflections / God in the Dock af C. S. Lewis
0.781 3.72 The Edwardians af Vita Sackville-West
0.778 4.37 Love and Responsibility af Karol Wojtyla
0.758 3.98 Sadhana, a Way to God: Christian Exercises in Eastern Form af Anthony De Mello
0.753 4.66 Veritatis Splendor: The Splendour of Truth af Pope John Paul II
0.746 4.35 The Holy Longing: The Search for a Christian Spirituality af Ronald Rolheiser
0.746 4.63 Diary: Divine Mercy in My Soul af Maria Faustina Kowalska
0.732 4.11 The Dialogue af Catherine of Siena
0.731 4.31 The Prophets af Abraham Joshua Heschel
0.702 3.95 A Time to Keep Silence af Patrick Leigh Fermor
0.696 4.43 Fire Within: St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and the Gospel on Prayer af Thomas Dubay
0.689 4.53 The Complete C. S. Lewis Signature Classics af C. S. Lewis
0.683 3.77 Murder Most Holy af Paul Doherty
0.679 4.19 A Kierkegaard Anthology af Søren Kierkegaard
0.653 4.24 An Introduction to the New Testament (Anchor Bible Reference Library) af Raymond E. Brown
0.646 3.54 A Life of Jesus af Shūsaku Endō
0.62 3.68 A history of South Africa af Leonard Thompson
0.619 4.38 Three Philosophies of Life: Ecclesiastes--Life as Vanity, Job--Life as Suffering, Song of Songs--Life as Love af Peter Kreeft
0.595 4.19 By What Authority?: An Evangelical Discovers Catholic Tradition af Mark P. Shea
0.45 4.27 Bread & Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter af C. S. Lewis