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- Nov 3, 2005
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- Sue
- Om mit bibliotek
Wide range: lots of books on mental illness and psychology, literature and writing (not so much 'how-to' as 'why' and 'what'), politics, animal rights, feminism, autobiographies and biographies and memoirs. Fiction is mixture of classic and contemporary, if I can put it like that: more Jackie Kay than Jackie Collins, Bill Shakespeare than Bob Barrett. We're not science fiction or fantasy readers (though do have some of those books, including China Mieville), and there's not much crime and no horror (don't mind a good crime novel, hate horror I'm afraid as it gives me nightmares for days). Mind you, there's a fair bit of crime and horror in King Lear...
Favourite bookshops in our town are Avid Reader at West End, Bent Books (just a few steps up from Avid) and Archives Books in the city for second hand and fine editions. A wonderful sense of community combined with an excellent selection of titles (plus DVDs) at Avid; Kat will always greet you at Bent, knows her shop inside out and has a great paperback novel selection (and more out the back). And Archives, run by Dawn and Hamish, is a place to lose yourself for some hours (watch out for the overhead fans if you get up on a stool to investigate the many, many volumes out of reach). They are transforming the shop into a more organised and warmly welcoming place, putting some focus on first editions and rare and collectibles; they also have regular gatherings or collations to talk about book collecting. Magic!
Sadly, Charing Cross Books has gone. I would guess, though, that the owner may be still selling rare and interesting books, somewhere, to his regular customers.
Another sad update is that Folio Books has closed. A double whammy of their building being demolished and the impact of the pandemic has just been too much. This is a serious blow for Brisbane as this was a very fine new bookseller and they will be keenly missed.
I also learned recently that the Annerley Community Bookshop has closed, but that they donated their books and some of their comfy furniture to Braille House at Annerley who have now opened a bookshop.Elsewhere, I love The Paperback Bookshop in Melbourne and Abbey's in Sydney. There are lots of second-hand ones around the country areas as well, and op shops can be treasure troves for books.
- Om mig
Writer living in The Gap, Brisbane, with her partner, Craig. Jack the Big Cat died in February 2012, a fondly remembered scallywag. We now have our rescue cat, Max, who we adopted at eight months old from Furry Friends.
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- Australia
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- Yndlingsforfattere
- Margaret Atwood, Yvonne Audette, Jane Austen, John Berger, Charlotte Brontë, Don DeLillo, William Faulkner, Janet Frame, Liz Hall-Downs, Barbara Hanrahan, Henry James, Doris Lessing, Lorrie Moore, Toni Morrison, Ffion Murphy, Flannery O'Connor, Caryl Phillips, Carol Shields, Lesley Singh, Colm Tóibín, Patrick White
- Lokalt favoritter
Boghandlere: Archives Fine Books, Avid Reader Bookshop, Bent Books, Black Cat Books & Cafe Paddington (formerly Mary Ryan's), Brotherhood Books, Coaldrakes Bookshop, Folio Books, Gould's Book Arcade, Qld Art Gallery & Gallery of Modern Art Bookshops, Riverbend Books, The Book Bank, The Book Garden/ The American Bookstore
Andet: University of Queensland Alumni Book Fair, Lifeline Bookfest
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