
Fiction (1,546), children (577), YA (367), Chapter books (290), nonfiction (226), Children's Fiction (138), young adult (125), EJ (118), fantasy (94), Vermont (91), Children's Picture Book (85), childrens (81), Adult Fiction (81), chapter (78), Biography (77), paperback (66), Nonfiction (62), Children's Graphic Novel (59), fiction (59), LARGE PRINT (58), chapter book (55), Juvenile (55), Children (54), picture book (51), pb (42), manga (40), Picture Books (40), Vermont Author (38), large print (37), Children's Board Book (36), Science Fiction (35), Juv (34), New (31), easy reader (30), cookbook (29), Fantasy (28), Chapter Book (28), board book (27), memoir (25), VT (23), Adult fiction (22), Juvenile fiction (22), Large Print (22), Childrens (20), Picture Book (20), graphic novel (19), Backpack kit (18), Picture book (18), Children's Fiction: Early Reader (18), picture books (17), History (16), Young Adult Fiction (15), hardcover (15), LP (14), 799 (14), Historical Fiction (14), Children's Nonfiction: Science (14), 974 (14), biography (13), Juvenile fiction; chapter book (13), DVD (12), Christian fiction (12), Children's Nonfiction: Biography (12), 759 (11), audiobook (11), Children's Fiction: Picture Book (11), 746 (11), Young adult (11), new england (10), history (10), Autobiography (10), Red clover (10), Golden Dome 2022-2023 (9), cd (9), Children's Nonfiction: Nature (9), 917 (9), DCF 2019 (9), 635 (9), Adult Nonfiction: Cookbook (9), baseball (8), 745 (8), Adult fiction; fantasy (8), 811 (8), winter (8), Adult Graphic Novel (8), DCF (8), reference (8), Mystery (8), Golden Dome nominee 2020-21 (7), sports (7), 973 (7), field guide (7), Adult Nonfiction: Biography (7), Poetry (7), Children's Nonfiction (7), JUV NonFIC (6), religion (6), Juvenile non-fiction; reference (6), Animals (6), Science (6), Children’s nonfiction (6), cook book (6), DCF 2020 (6), Classics (5), bio (5), 813 (5), Children's Poetry (5), 709 (5), DVD: Children (5), 636 (5), YA fiction (5), Chapter book (5), 770 (5), adventure (5), Board books (4), US Presidents (4), travel (4), Young Adult Graphic Novel (4), Large print (4), Vermont Authors (4), Adult Nonfiction (4), 364 (4), Children's Early Reader (4), Red Clover 2022-2023 (4), Young Adult (4), snow (4), chapter books (4), Easy Reader (4), Nature (4), 2ND COPY OK (4), CLiF grant (4), Alaska (4), 305 (4), 814 (4), Sports (4), Children's Reference (4), 2021 (3), Music (3), literature (3), Adult Nonfiction: Science (3), unabridged (3), Travel (3), Murder (3), humor (3), Children's Nonfiction: Animals (3), historical memoir (3), WWII (3), juvenile (3), Mathematics (3), Art (3), Other Languages (3), interactive (3), boardbook (3), Action (3), 641 (3), series (3), 372 (3), 248 (3), 158 (3), Adult Nonfiction: Gardening (3), Bio (3), 750 (3), Field Guide (3), 910 (3), Green Mountain Book award nominee 2020-21 (3), 551 (3), 398 (3), 306 (3), 370 (3), Chapter (3), 808 (3), 613 (3), 796 (3), American Musicians (3), 639 (3), 738 (3), 749 (3), 646 (3), gamebook (3), Children's (3), board book interactive (3), snowflakes (3), 940 (3), FIC (3), 031 (3), 2024-2025 Red Clover Nominee (3), Attractions Pass (2), POP UP (2), Quilt (2), 2024-2025 Golden Dome Nominee (2), JUV FIC (2), Juvenile literature (2), Rock and roll music. music (2), Adult Nonfiction: Health (2), Adult Nonfiction: Outdoor Recreation/Memoir (2), Juvenile fiction; chapter books; DCF award nominee 2018 (2), Juvenile fiction; chapter books;DCF award nominee 2018 (2), J746.43 (2), picture book; multicultural; Barefoot books (2), National Geographic for Children (2), Vermont illustrator (2), audiobbook (2), paperback9780446547604 (2), Board book (2), Children's Nonfiction: Gardening (2), Adult Nonfiction: Vermont History (2), Middle grade (2), Children's Nonfiction: Car Racing (2), DVD: Children's (2), Golden Dome nominee 2023-2024 (2), Red Clover Nominee 2023-2024 (2), Children's Nonfiction: Art (2), Adult Nonfiction: Animals (2), Golden Dome nominee 2021-22 (2), 746 juv (2), American Authors (2), Dog (2), food (2), 330 (2), 712 (2), J nonfiction (2), 624 (2), Non fiction (2), American History (2), 658 (2), little golden book (2), YA nonfiction (2), arts & crafts (2), 299 (2), nutrition (2), Maine (2), 817 (2), horses (2), hibernation (2), Australia (2), Essays (2), slavery (2), United States (2), adult fiction (2), J (2), signed copy (2), Children's classic (2), cassette (2), family (2), classics (2), coming of age (2), mystery (2), ya (2), 731 (2), Children's Nonfiction: Early Reader (2), 686 (2), 778 (2), Dinosaurs (2), Horses (2), Immigration (2), Spanish (2), Quilting (2), Vegetarian (2), Thriller (2), Native American Folklore (2), Juvenile nonfiction (2), American Presidents (2), 797 (2), 739 (2), 769 (2), Art History (2), 676 (2), Young Adult Nonfiction (2), 327 (2), 909 (2), 328 (1), Vermont authors (1), dragons (1), hospice (1), Newbery award (1), 610 (1), Adult Nonfiction: Political Science (1), magic (1), Insects (1), Ireland (1), 305.5 (1), 305.8 (1), Social Issues (1), dcf 2021 (1), 843 (1), 631.5 (1), musician (1), preceded by Conspiracy of Stars 2018 (1), 378 (1), 797.1 (1), 636.1 (1), nursing (1), World War II (1), 700.2 (1), nonfiction- 364.15 (1), cooking (1), star wars (1), Juvenile biography (1), 641.3 (1), 321 (1)
Nøgleordssky, Forfattersky, Nøgleordsspejl
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Jun 9, 2012
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Waterville Town Library
Om mit bibliotek

Waterville Town Library is located in the old Waterville Central School Building on Rte 109 in Waterville, VT. It is open year round on Tuesdays and Saturdays. It is run by volunteers for the benefit of the Waterville community and welcomes members from the town of Belvedere as well.

Waterville, VT
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