
Real Name
Andy Holligan
About Me
Andy Holligan is an independent business owner in his native Scotland, Great Britain and was born 24 December 1966. He became involved in multi-level marketing in 1995 which he worked part-time. Holligan says he owes an enormous amount to the sales and training system in MLM, especially the positive thinking books because they changed his life. Eventually he became a Christian in 1999. Ironically, he says he used to hate reading but now he says he will never miss reading for 15 minutes a day for the rest of his life. Why? because the quality of your physical world will only be as good as the quality of your inner world. He says "you create your habits, then your habits create you" But it all starts with your thinking. Its the law of 'cause and effect' in action. Your thinking is the cause, and your life, at the moment is the effect. If you change one, you automatically change the other. If you don't like the effect (your life) then you need to change the cause (your thinking) His mission is to help people to improve their lives. This was his prime reason for writing You Are The Problem, You Are The Solution- which is now published by He has a second book coming out in 2016 called The A-Z of Success (published by Rosedog books)
Scotland, Great Britain
Hjemmeside (published by
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