One Hit Wonders

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Unprolific writers and their unrepeatable achievements. Why do writers stop writing or why can't they write anything as good as that one special book?

Juan Rulfo - known for Pedro Paramo - said that all his stories were told to him by his uncle who died. Rimbaud fled to Africa. Harper Lee retired with the Pulitzer prize money for "To Kill a Mocking Bird"?? Margaret Mitchell ran out of ideas after "Gone with the wind"?

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Walter M. Miller Jr.6 ulæste / 6ShaggyBag, marts 2009
A Twofer12 ulæste / 12streamsong, februar 2008
A Fan's Notes2 ulæste / 2Capybara_99, januar 2008
Authors who wrote their great book at the end of life?5 ulæste / 5gattopardo, marts 2007
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