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The Kabbalah is a Jewish system of interpretation deeply connected to mysticism. Primary texts include The Zohar, Sefer ha Bahir, Sefer Yetzirah, Sha'are Orim, etc. This group is for the discussion of Traditional Kabbalah within a Jewish context.

EmneEmneKommentarerSeneste Meddelelse 
Dormant?1 ulæst / 1bibliophile613, januar 2018
Bookseller with books of interest1 ulæst / 1Yehoshua.Jacobs, maj 2013
Planets and the Sefirot4 ulæste / 4Borun, februar 2013
Golem: Jewish Magical and Mystical Traditions on the Artificial Anthropoid by Moshe Idel3 ulæste / 3JSKupperman, juli 2009
Kabbalah Books4 ulæste / 4JSKupperman, marts 2007
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