Donald A. Norman
Forfatter af The Design of Everyday Things
Om forfatteren
Donald A. Norman is professor of computer science and psychology at Northwestern University and co-founder of the Nielsen Norman Group, a consulting firm that promotes human-centered products and services.
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Værker af Donald A. Norman
Things That Make Us Smart: Defending Human Attributes in the Age of the Machine (1993) 454 eksemplarer, 2 anmeldelser
The Invisible Computer: Why Good Products Can Fail, the Personal Computer Is so Complex, and Information Appliances Are… (1998) 421 eksemplarer, 5 anmeldelser
Memory and Attention: An Introduction to Human Information Processing (1969) 46 eksemplarer, 1 anmeldelse
User Centered System Design: New Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction (1986) — Redaktør; Bidragyder — 28 eksemplarer
Satte nøgleord på
Almen Viden
- Juridisk navn
- Norman, Donald Arthur
- Andre navne
- Norman, Donald A.
- Fødselsdato
- 1935-12-25
- Køn
- male
- Nationalitet
- Uddannelse
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (SB|Electrical Engineering)
University of Pennsylvania (MS|Electrical Engineering)
University of Pennsylvania (PhD|Mathematical Psychology) - Kort biografi
- Norman is a very private human being (hence no birthplace, for example), but this piece, written by him, is excellent.
I've retired four times: first from the University of California, San Diego (where I was founder and chair of the department of Cognitive Science); then from Northwestern University, where I was a professor of Computer Science and Design, co-directing the MMM dual degree program between the School of Engineering and the Kellogg School of Management, a program that gave students both an MBA and engineering degree, with the focus on design and operation; the third retirement was as a trustee of the Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of technology (Chicago); and the fourth was as an active member of my company, the Nielsen Norman group (I have been given the title of "emeritus" at all four places.) And, as the opening sentence of this biography suggests, I'm back at UC San Diego, but I have given word that I am stepping down from the Directorship of the Design Lab at the end of the 2019-2020 Academic year, so starting July 1, 2020, i can concentrate upon my projects and writing. (A new book? Wait and see.)
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Associated Authors
- Værker
- 19
- Medlemmer
- 8,465
- Popularitet
- #2,847
- Vurdering
- 3.9
- Anmeldelser
- 96
- 115
- Sprog
- 14
- Udvalgt
- 14
Fantastisk bog. Man vil efter endt læsning gå gennem verden og undres over alle de dumme ting, man nu pludselig får øje på.
Vandhaner og dørhåndtag skal ikke have brug for en brugsvejledning før man kan bruge dem. Fx kunne man jo lave døre, der skal skubbes, så de har en plade, der signalerer Skub! og døre, der skal trækkes i, så de har et håndtag, der signalerer Træk!
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