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37 Værker 358 Medlemmer 75 Anmeldelser

Værker af Helen Naylor

One Day Level 2 (Cambridge English Readers) (2008) 89 eksemplarer, 44 anmeldelser
When Summer Comes (1999) 41 eksemplarer, 4 anmeldelser
Two Lives Level 3 (Cambridge English Readers) (2001) 35 eksemplarer, 14 anmeldelser
Paths to Proficiency (1992) 15 eksemplarer

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I was super excited about this book from the title alone. I love being a voyeur into someone's personality disorder, the more obscure the better. Unfortunately, this book didn't rise to the level of excitement that I was hoping for. At no point was I dying to know what her mother was going to do next. This is a memoir of Helen, a woman whose mother was constantly ill and taking to her bed and seemed to revel in any attention her fragility garnered. I didn't understand really the significance of the excerpts from her mother's diaries, until the end of the book where Helen explains each entry. We hear about Helen's life from childhood to adulthood and it was just too burdened with small details that made it seem to drag on. Perhaps my issue was with the Helen herself, she put up with much more than I would have under the banner of "being a good daughter" and "she's my mom" especially when pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place.
I listened to the audio version of this book and the author narrated her own memoir and I thought did a very good job.

Many thanks to #NetGalley and ThreadBooks for allowing me to review an advanced copy of #MyMotherMunchausensandMe in exchange for an honest review.
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she_climber | 1 anden anmeldelse | Oct 27, 2021 |
Helen Naylor is the author and the victim and lived with a mentally ill woman in her family, her mother, and we journey through her life with her words. As children we accept what we have, our parents are our parents, no matter what happens.
We travel with Helen as she tries to have a life in spite of her mother, and repeatedly tries to help for her, will anyone listen before it’s too late?
This is a true story, that made me wish it was fiction, as we are walking in Helen’s shoes, and hoping all along for a change.
Keep reading there are surprises revealed, and we wish Elinor would have had help, maybe as a child!
This a read that will linger and show how a person with Munchausen syndrome acts, and hope that maybe this will help save another individual.

I received this audiobook through Net Galley and the Publisher Thread Books, and was not required to give a positive review.
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alekee | 1 anden anmeldelse | Oct 23, 2021 |
In small village of Tredonald, Huw who was a coal miner guy and Megan who was a schoolgirl fell in love. But one day Huw had to move to Canada. from then on, 50 years passed... Megan found letters from Huw which her dad hid. They kept in tough again.
This story is really beautiful like a movie. It made me cry in good way. I realized it is important being honest.
sherryxo | 13 andre anmeldelser | Jan 25, 2012 |
This story is about 4 families. David and Nina,Maggie and Davies family.Each of them have problem and hope.

This story is't so interesting. The mistery don't bacame clear. I can't get satisfaction.
taku | 43 andre anmeldelser | Jan 22, 2012 |

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